Winged, Poetry & Art Photo's for Monday, March 24, 2008

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Omm Sety, a 20th Century Egyptologist & Cryptologist

ETERNAL LOVE: They called her: The White Lotus of the Nile You do not see her true face for she sinned, a long, long time ago, she, a commoner fell in love with a king, and him her, this could not be allowed, else he'd surely be put to death, she loved the King she could not have and committed... Sign in to see full entry.

I am letting two old roses stand for everything I believe in...

I am restricting the size of the world, keeping it inside that plastic pot. This is like Greece, the roses sitting in the hot sun, the leaves exhausted, the blue sky surrounding them. I reach my fingers inside the dirt and slowly scrape the sides. One more flower will bloom the rest of this month,... Sign in to see full entry.

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