Common Sense - Dead or Alive?

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Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Common Sense and Bloggers

I love to read what others are writing. Some blogs are just plain fun, rather than "dark" (as one commentator referred to mine). It struck me, however, that an examination of many of the blogs (in opinion and news&politics) do more to prove my theory that there is a major disconnect between being logical and having common sense. Cudos to those who possess undoubtedly greater skill at the written word than I. Their arguments are thoroughly logical, passionate, and entertaining. On the other hand,... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Logic and Common Sense

Anyone who has taken a basic course in logic knows the following formula: If A, then B; If B, then C; Therefore, if A, then C The world is filled with great logicians. Many of them have no common sense, for they fail to examine the basic premises from which their logic flows. For example: "God hates fags". Popular premise. Now, taken to its logical conclusion, the following argument ensues: "God hates fags. If God hates something, then it is okay to destroy it. Therefore, we can destroy fags."... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Religion and Common Sense

I was raised an Episcopalian, and remain so nominally. The mystical nature of a high mass is one of the greatest spiritual experiences to be had. I have found, however, that organized religion doesn't always make sense. Getting back to the idea of logic and the basic premise, I can only comment that many of the religious pundits of the day make perfectly logical arguments. Their views, while they are entitled to them, however, are nonsense. If your basic premise is that God is some kind of... Sign in to see full entry.

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