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Friday, April 28, 2006


A most enjoyable TV show to watch. It was on NBC tonight and contestant choose cases that may or may not have large amounts of money. This kind of like blogging. You write a post and the reader says, "Read and No Read" and based upon their response you earn much, little or nothing from your post. I... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Confessions of A Two-Time Bush Voter

I trust Tony Snow more than I do Bush, Cheney, Rowe etc. It is sad, but I know my President and his administration have made some terrible mistakes, and have deliberately or foolishly misled this country in many ways; however, I have watched and listened to Tony Snow for years, and I believe he is a... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Stop The Bus! Stop The Bus!

A bewildered man in the rain was crying out these words. He was in a panic. The Bus was on the other side of a six lane busy street, and he could not get across. As I passed him, I kept looking back, but I never saw him make it across. I begin to think to myself, that is the way life is for all of... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, April 22, 2006


50 years of marriage celebrated today by two of my friends. Both of them are not well physcially, but they acted like young newly weds today. James is battling lung cancer, Robbie, has a bad heart -- Today they both had smiles on their faces, a spring in their steps, and a joy in their heart, as... Sign in to see full entry.

My Wife and I Made A Life-time Memory!

My wife and I were watching a television program last evening, and they were promoted a series of children's books, entitled, "Let's Make A Memory." My wife said she would like to purchase the set of books. I asked her what the name of the books were, she said, and I quote, "I can't remember." We... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Not in Iraq, but China! The lone woman Chinese protester shouted out to President Bush to tell the President of China to stop the killing. Quite a change from all the protest Bush has heard lately. Yes, the Iraq war was probably a mistake, but at least it was done in the name of freedom, instead of... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Anyone For An Easter Egg Hunt?

My wife asked that yesterday, and no one but my 4 year old granddaughter was excited. When my wife saw no response from the adults, she said, now the plastic eggs have a $10.00 bill in it, and 4 $5.00 bills. The way the adults, including me, went running for their Easter Baskets, you would have... Sign in to see full entry.

This Is My $200.00 Week!

I am $6.24 away from the $200.00 mark in blogit earnings. Yes, I know many of you have already passed that mark, but I am sure you took the time to celebrate, and so am I. I hope to go over the $ 200.00 mark before midnight, Saturday night. Will you help me? Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Easter Time Is Miracle Time!

Turning $5.00 into $500.00 Last Sunday I had shared with my congregation how someone had given me a check toward a $ 25,000.00 goal of raising money to cover this year's school deficit. When I first got the check, I read the amount real fast, and thought it read, $500.00, but a second look sobered... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, April 14, 2006


Usually our Friday mindset is to rush through the day, and move toward our weekend. Yet, today on Good Friday, things are different. Many have the day off, others will attend Good Friday services, and still more will just soberly reflect on the meaning of Christ life, death, ressurection, and our... Sign in to see full entry.


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