my husband is my true love

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Fear Fear of angry people Fear of fire Fear of snake.... Frozen scary moment.. A crazy dog, an idiotic angry man and a rude women truly scared me to death before my face get red and shiver took a deep breath and used the name of someone dear as my brother it worked, but it could have been worst... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 24, 2009


it's you decide what you want in life, and every one of us has so much power in our life, and the best person to control our destiny. it's not so hard to get what you want, but it's hard to understand self and knowing the abilities and the passion to achieve what we want.... sit down in a best place... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


leave u with scratch n sniff,....... goodnight Sue Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

My life with the move

my mind is nowhere near me truly wants to fly away asked god a simple wish never been asked before' might work for me who knows will or will not asked god a simple wish today I didn't do much some stupid thoughts and wish it was a snow day need to go to a place need to go there, my little hometown'... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The new driver in town...

The new driver in town wants to save gas He loves driving but he doesn't use A/C He gave me a ride to bank But will not put A/C He made me wind down the windows I had to......Becauise he wants to save gas Vishnu made me win the window down to be in his car while he took me to the Bank..\ Sue9457 Sign in to see full entry.

The new driver in town...

The new driver in town wants to save gas He loves driving but he doesn't use A/C He gave me a ride to bank But will not put A/C He made me wind down the windows I had to......Becauise he wants to save gas Vishnu made me win the window down to be in his car while he took me to the Bank..\ Sue9457 Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, August 17, 2009

we are going on a walk.

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we are going on a walk.

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Never tangle your name without reasons...if someone has your name with

their credit or any utility accounts, they can give you hell a time......... Always keep your name and accounts safely.......otherwise it's very very hard to remove your name out from some situations....... I am going through it and clearing it......the hectic life added some more stress......But... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Well, let me take off... will leave you guys with DZL.I am shopping for her

DZL is rockin out......and it's fun to be listening.......but I will driving to get things done, I have to do the most I can by Tuesday........since this week I am off.... So let me go now, but will see you guys time to time.......before midnight..... I guess that I am very peaceful.........I am... Sign in to see full entry.

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