Thursday, August 12, 2021
can u imagine my old ass trying to do this on a phone..well hello bloggers..I'm back again..the insufferable poetic critic that will turn your tears to smiles. Your smiles to tears or maybe make you think..or piss you off. Don't long as i can a reaction. Luv ya all Raywords Sign in to see full entry.
can u imagine my old ass trying to do this on a phone..well hello bloggers..I'm back again..the insufferable poetic critic that will turn your tears to smiles. Your smiles to tears or maybe make you think..or piss you off. Don't long as i can a reaction. Luv ya all Raywords Sign in to see full entry.
Monday, January 18, 2021
There are no atheists in a fox hole
This is an old military saying the reflects an individuals feelings while sitting in a 4ft x 6ft hole in the ground as bombs drop all around them. Totally helpless. Even the non-religious will find some one or thing to pray to. Those that survive will always wonder, was it because I prayed? Or they... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, January 14, 2021
Guess what it is
I stare at you with one dark eye, care not if you live or die. I make no distiction of age or race, am not concerned with time or place. I feel neither remorse or blame, just do my part for tragedy or fame. You think you own me, but it is I who own you, for I can cause you to do things you never... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Kentucky Magic Part 1
Many years ago, as a child, I witnessed real magic! No shaman's trick, no slight of hand, no mere illusion, but a truly unexplainable occurence! Up in the hills, north of Buckhorn Kentucky, my Uncle Trey owned about 600 acres where he raised horses, cattle, wheat and oats. It was a haven for my... Sign in to see full entry.
Morning again
Morning again Thoughts of yesterday begin to fade visions of today start to invade the past's domain. Actions already done songs sang that cant be unsung opinions formed that can't be changed Improvements yearn, waiting to be made correct mistakes, that won't go away taking for granted that someday... Sign in to see full entry.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
accidental life
the stars are arranged in your favor, said the medic in Da Nang, it must be your lucky day as my arm went into a sling. Two inches more would have hit your your lung, you should keep this bullet as a good luck charm,, and now you get to go home, with a busted clavical and dysfunctional arm. You must... Sign in to see full entry.
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
once again
once again, it seems solitude and whiskey, have become my late night friends, and once again, I welcome them with open arms, fall into their embrace, once again. survivors guilt haunts me, as those more worthy than I pass, narrows down those I love, leaving me alone to deal with my past. Once again,... Sign in to see full entry.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
one new, one old
anything left of me I don't there is anything left, of me. Not enough left, to be, what it is you want me to be. You can look inside, but i don't think, there is anyrthing left to see No, I don't think, there is anything left of me. I don't think, there is anything left of me, so, if you're looking... Sign in to see full entry.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
The Knight's Quest
The knight asked of his Princess, "What is it I must do, to prove my love to you? See that mountain over there, I will climb it, the great wide river, I shall swim it too! Just tell me what you want, and I shall find it, And bring it right back here to you!" She said,"Find me a world where there is... Sign in to see full entry.