Jimmy Rod's Best Shot: Bush/BP HAARP cannons fire on Peru! Create 6.9 earthquake?

By Tahoe_Red_Dog - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Humor

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bush/BP HAARP cannons fire on Peru! Create 6.9 earthquake?

Go to "Animated Atlantic infrared image" and watch as HAARP ion cannons fire from central Brazil. The red on the doppler represents HAARP Bush/Bp terrorist blasts against Peru, Central America and the U.S. east coast. Call your representitives and tell them to stop trying to kill us with these stupid, Nazi HAARP guns. C'mon Prez Obama, stop these planet murdering guns before my children and your children are shaken to death. Sign in to see full entry.

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