I've bumped into a few of you's over there which does make me feel more secure LOL. Vogue - I couldn't get the search engine there to find you:-( How about anyone who odes write over there posting their links in here so I can go check you's all out. Here's link to one of my articles - from where you... Sign in to see full entry.
Tho I missed my new blogit friends - it just got too hard to keep it up in here. I've had a few months of legal battles, death of my father - and basically wall to wall dramas. I'm considering that I might have to cease paying my subscription fees - and I'm wondering if my blogit friends might read... Sign in to see full entry.
Well - the stress of that debt collector scam really took it's toll on me. It's over now - I'll write when I have enough emotional energy. I will be suing them in the future some time - but currently I need a rest from it. I had a birthday party on sunday. Nice to see WaterKat and Rich back on the... Sign in to see full entry.
What can I say? When I heard on last night's news that a comedy team had caused "very red faces" I somehow knew they were referring to those Chaser Guys. Please don't stone me peoples!!!! Last time I used irreverant aussie humour in regards to the USA a good friend never spoke to me again (mind you... Sign in to see full entry.
I'm still having this awesomely stressful legal battle. To read about it go here; Any support most welcomed!! Jaahda:-) PS If the link doesn't work paste this url instead http://www.lulu.com/content/1145652:-) Sign in to see full entry.
Seeing as how I had recently alluded to one of my husbands in a post in the Psychic Blog I thought I might tell you something about Aboriginal marriage protocols. I have 2 indigenous husbands. There is no past tense. They both know each other; as I too know the wives they are currently living with.... Sign in to see full entry.
In response to Afzal:Thanks for writing about me Afzal. What brought me to Blogit was a desire to leave my job at a local University. I wanted to spend more time at my farm - and went looking to possibly find an online job. I punched 'paid online writing' in google - and ended up joining Blogit. And... Sign in to see full entry.
Please read my other blog for details. Have some roses Sign in to see full entry.
This blog entry is a kind of obtuse eulogy to one of my dearly departed friends. We were planning to be listening to Led Zepplin together on the front verandah of our country retreat when we were in our 70's. Sadly - he died suddenly three years ago; hence I live on my remote farm alone now. Ah - he... Sign in to see full entry.
This could get catching:-) The front cover is one of Mysteria's fine peices http://www.lulu.com/content/1033592 Feels real weird. I've wrote this in 1992. Very weird indeed. But YAY - WOOHOO as well. Jaahda:-) Sign in to see full entry.