The mind of a poet for Sunday, January 11, 2009

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dear Diary

Dear diary, one year later where am I at in life? Still on the search for the wife and trying to avoid all the unnecessary strife As I still fight the urges to go and poke at the bee hive Though I am no longer addicted I think the drugs are still affecting my mind because whenever I get to what I... Sign in to see full entry.


It’s a shame what some people will do just to get a glimmer of fame They will disown their family, drop they friends when they think they’ve gotten a little name You forget where you come from, stop being true to yourself knowing you’re not the same Even willing to sell your soul just to get even... Sign in to see full entry.

Bruce Wayne

The secret identity must be kept for the protection of the innocent I have to guard my true self since because I can’t let anyone know that I am in love with something heaven sent You occupy a large chunk of real estate in my mind for which you never have to pay rent Loving when we talk because you... Sign in to see full entry.

Sins of the father

You’ve already heard the story, mom raised me and dad is gone Seems like every other child has that same story so when you hear it you may yawn At times wondering why you left me kept me up to the crack of dawn I should really stop dwelling on this because it is foregone I had become so obsessed... Sign in to see full entry.

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