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Friday, May 20, 2005

Nazism Has Come Full Circle?

George W. Bush (and George H. W. Bush before him) has demonstrated that any buffoon can become President of the United States of America! The title has been irreparably relegated to the scrap heap of insignificance. A magnet for insanity that attracts all form of vile turpitude. What is the... Sign in to see full entry.

George Bush the Bigger Threat to the Planet (Short Version)?

For the “Brown Race” there is the burning question of who started the rumor that Saddam Hussein was a menace to life on the Planet (WMD, Evil Dictator, yada, yada, yada, ….)? It is probably the same cadre of losers who started the Blacks are lazy, shiftless, grow tails, and live in the Jungle rumor!... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Get Out of Town (Short Version)?

Someone (District Attorney) in their right mind must step forward to grab this raging bull by the ass to start prosecution of these war criminals and profiteers in America. How much more carnage and inhumanity from George Bush can we witness in silence before we are consumed in it's wake. I have had... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Newsweek Retraction is the Lie (Black Folk Beware)?

The Newsweek article was a true depiction of an actual event in the ongoing American abuse of Arab dignity! George Bush set in motion the groundwork for justifying the all out assault on civilization. The "with us or against us" marching orders suspended the rule of law in the minds of every man in... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Truth Does Matter?

There is a full fledged assault on truth in all media in America! People writing to cover-up the "real" facts about the "war in Iraq". This administration and the congress have a lot of blood on their hands. And all the writings to the contrary are only attempts to hide criminal accountability.... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Black Man's Burden is America?

It is pretty hard to accept absolutes (American Blacks Have A Gigantic Inferiority Complex)! But if you make the connection that all that is wrong with the "Negro" can be summed up as his lack of drive and determination! You had better have better evidence than statistics that have nothing to do... Sign in to see full entry.


Wake Up! It really hurts me to see "you" exposed as a phony. I thought you had the courage of your convictions and thought process. I am disappointed that you chose censorship! In a debate the best outcome is compromise and concilliation! Not conquest! Good luck to you my man! You are still in my... Sign in to see full entry.

America is Under Seige From the Right?

Being trapped in a permanent state of denial will hasten the downfall of America. The people who find security in party and fraternal loyalties produce gestapo like influence over bureaucratic initiatives. George Bush and the republican majority have destroyed the American system of government. The... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Getting Blocked Again (I Think)?

Mightyholywarrior! Why would any man embrace, endorse, or accept into debate any doctrine or utterance that diminishes the credibility of his culture, manhood, women, children, history, moral courage, dignity, or culture? There should be grave consequence and violent censure when any man presupposes... Sign in to see full entry.

Blocked Again?

Scoop the way to help vets (or anyone) is to make sure the bureaucracy trains them in skills to help humanity not destroy it! George Bush and Congress passed this bill because Don Imus complained loud on his Radio Program! Made it an issue of supporting the troops to ease their conscience (families... Sign in to see full entry.

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