
By Kayzzaman - E-mail this page - Add to My Favorites - Add to Blog List - See other blogs in Poetry

Friday, December 7, 2007

Silence of Reverberation : A Short Poem

When I contemplate your face all alone A bereaving silence engulfs me I wander among the every off-shore of my memory Just like a forgotten wanderer forgetting his course. When you appear before my eyes I look upon you like a rose petal swaying And silence reverberates between you and me. Sign in to see full entry.

Another Day, Another World : A Short Poem

(I am sorry that I cannot write good stuff these days. I have been suffering from brain fag and I am on medicine. Untill and unless I can get over this it is very difficult for me to carry on. Please bear with me.) Time passing by Ages of dream drown me deep When shall the dawn be up on the above?... Sign in to see full entry.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Wreath of Melancholy : A Short Poem

Spangles of silence spread in the rain A walking shadow roars in laughter The rear window never opens for the eternity All seems to be disguised in appealing blue. The wreath of melancholy splitting wide Appearing in a heavenly blasphemy The withered flowers say nothing blissfully. Sign in to see full entry.

High Tide of Night : A Short Poem

At the high tide of night When you dream a beautiful dream You feel like a winged bird caressing the sky Quiet flows the time as you let it pass Brimming light overshadows your sparkling face As if my shadows stopping your long breath I remain as ever so close to you You talk love to me with a soft... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

You Are My Love : A Short Poem

You are my only refuge In my ecstasy of joy I come back to you In my distress of fortune you save me from disgrace Like a winged bird picks up its chicks from nowhere. You are my only love You love me with all your loves I seek refuge in you when I seek only your love. Sign in to see full entry.

When My Love Says : A Short Poem

When my love says I empty my heart out for thee All earthly delights seek refuge in disguise And I want nothing and no more for anything but thee As I only long for you for the love of me When my eyes see more of you than anything else I close my vision to see more of thee My passion of love... Sign in to see full entry.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Pretty Images : A Short poem

Pretty images crowd in my mind As I set sail for a yonder land Pretty dreams tempt me to stop But nevertheless I will oblige. When my dreams will leave me alone I will return with a heavy heart And I will forget evrything for good. Sign in to see full entry.

Had There Been : A Short Poem

Had there been a sigh of millions There could have been a roar of laughter Thousands of footsteps would join in a long procession Holding the candle brighter than many thousand suns Voices would choke voices in writhing pains It could have created a symphony of stormy petrels Agonies would melt in... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, December 3, 2007

What You Are : A Short Poem

You are dark unto light You are the known and the unknown You sail by the day into night You are the past guiding the life into tomorrow. We are the believers of mankind We look forward to your soulful blessings We are lost unto void of the world without you. Sign in to see full entry.

Shadows of Night : A Short Poem

You rise from the shadows of night A burning desire awakens you to a wild dream The dream that floats in glory of the seventh heaven Remains of the ashes turning into diamonds of desire As if you will dance all the way way to eternity To solemnly smell the essence of the holy grail Cry of delight... Sign in to see full entry.

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