Lou's Camera Eye

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"The night air is beautiful"

Somewhere deep inside, There is a part of magic That fills the heart with joy And seems so romantic. Tonight the wind is sweet, The temperature in retreat And all the birds and little children Surrender to kind sleep. The Beauty of the day Has met the quiet of the night. We dream, we touch, loving... Sign in to see full entry.

Where does the air go?

In the midst of preparing for the remainder of summer, one more trip to the beach next week for 7 days, there comes the garden harvest! I have eaten more melons this summer than usual and the garden is still producing. There is a bushel of tomatoes waiting in my kitchen to be canned this afternoon... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

What do we have in common with Patrick Henry?

We went back in history today to 1775 in a place called St. John's Church, Richmond Virginia. A reenactment took place in the old Episcopal Church which still has an active parish since 1741. The stain glass windows were brilliant and the pews and ceiling all sparkled. This is the exact site where... Sign in to see full entry.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Controlling destiny

I wonder sometimes if we have solved cause and effect. I watched the ocean send forth a wave and retract it almost instantly. I watched a mother call her child and the child refused to move. So, should we go back to nature? Can we connect our minds a little better? In the middle of the night one can... Sign in to see full entry.


GREAT TO SEE Y U! M and I just returned from the Beach where we spent 7 wonderful days doing wonderful things. We enjoyed the ocean, the surf, the swimming pool, Church, antique shops, the great restaurants and walking. We took a trip on a pirate ship and enjoyed the tales of the pirates. It was a... Sign in to see full entry.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Sally/Offy is in love, great

Such wonderful news that Sally is in love, has a wonderful home and all is looking great for her and "R". I wish her well. As a writer in Single Life, Sally and often called Offy, is always bright and observant. She makes it fun to read her posts and visit the places she travels with her pictures. I... Sign in to see full entry.

First Trip to the Beach

The weather is perfect for the beach. My to-do list is about done and tomorrow we drive off to the Coast for a week. There is a computer in the lobby there and I will try to stay in touch. My married status, (happened after Single Life writing started) is exciting. My hubby has never spent any time... Sign in to see full entry.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Oh the joys of almost country living.

Tonight about 10 p.m. I went to the door to see my guest out and there was this really strong smell of skunk. I was really uncomfortable, but what can you do but laugh. My guests laughed too, but I saw them hustling to the car looking in all directions. Now three hours later there is no smell. So I... Sign in to see full entry.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Pie in the Oven, husband in bed

I suppose I could draw a comparison or maybe I should ignore the situation. LOL Rhubarb and apple pie,thats a good combination. I experimented with the ingredients because I could not find a recipe in my cook book. It looks good enough to eat that is all that counts. I have already cooked a... Sign in to see full entry.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sincerely, Oh You Know How I love You, I'll Do ..

anything for you, just say you'll be mine! Do you remember that song? Well last evening we were playing cards and that song kept running thru my head. I ended up singing it for my family amid their smiles, smurcks and "what is she doing now?" Songs have a way of tucking themselves into your brain... Sign in to see full entry.

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