.I have no money to keep this account up. Love all of you that have read me over the years. Shall see you on the other side. MWAH Sign in to see full entry.
Have to make some very Tucson clay pieces and fast!! And must finish all these paintings that I started and which are just lining the walls of my home, undone. Newspaper boys from the barrio, Barrio Hollywood musician, lady watering tree (Tucson culture, to take just a bit of water with you if... Sign in to see full entry.
I have made hundreds of turtles for a friend to paint for me as she did years ago. They are ready to hit her home and more are still here for firing. Then I made lots of fun larger figurines and now I am working on one special piece for a friend's new Gallery in Wilmington, NC = WICKED is her... Sign in to see full entry.
People speak of recovery, but we sellers and our buyers will tell you that there is no recovery, there is only minimalist survival. The show was horrendously smaller. Barely anyone came and those that came, who used to order $8,000 in good times, ordered $200 and apologized. No apologies were... Sign in to see full entry.
I am trying, through amazing struggles and wet tar under my shoes, to make some prototypes for the show. My turtles have been revamped. Updated and sparkling new in their look, so that my crazy cousin can't say that I have stolen my own designs which she copyrighted, they emerge from the clay. I... Sign in to see full entry.
I am making only a few angels a day, some storytellers, less than I had hoped, but finally getting better and well enough to sit for hours making clay things. Time time time..................no time. Sign in to see full entry.
Plaqued by both, I have just begun to work at my clay table again and to post things on websites again. So much left to do. I made a list and then couldn't look at it as it was years too long. So, I do a daily list and just live with that. Sign in to see full entry.
hoping that my new product line will finance one by January 1st. It should, enshallah. Sign in to see full entry.
I have joined a group in my city called Arts Marketplace and the woman running it has decades of experience with helping artists to behave and appear and conduct their businesses more professionally, successfully and lucratively. Things are looking up. We had ten times the traffic at today's Open... Sign in to see full entry.
and all their patrons, etc, come. I am offered a free table and haven't much to sell as I have been out of town or preparing for that. I received a nice letter about my chairs helping the Museum to raise more money this year than ever before, with more artists and more chairs and better quality... Sign in to see full entry.