Member Profile for Barrett


Member Since:

September 17, 2004
Contact: Send E-mail
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Barrett's Bugel - Mar 11, 2014
Climate Kool-Aid - Last night Senate democrats pulled an all-nighter...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 712

The New Deal - Mar 17, 2006
Back in Black - I can't believe it. It's been over a year and I find...
News & Politics - Popularity rank: 5188

Highlights from Hollywood - Jan 15, 2005
In Great Company! - Staring - Dennis Quaid, Scarlett Johansson, Topher...
Arts & Photography - Popularity rank: 5520

When No Meant Yes - Nov 27, 2004
Extreem Makeover - Woodstock Groupies - People, when will you stop...
Relationships - Popularity rank: 5560

Win One for the Gipper - Nov 24, 2004
Payton Manning To Nuder The Lions On T-Day - It looks like the burden of...
Sports & Leisure - Popularity rank: 5561

The road less traveled upon
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