Goot's Mittens

By ChristopherSetterlund

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Goot's Mittens

Everyone has something that makes them different. For Goot the Cat it is her over-sized front paws. Her friends in the neighborhood treat her the same as anyone else, but when a former television celebrity cat moves into her neighborhood, her unique trait becomes fodder for the new cat's laughter. When her friends join in the laughter Goot feels all alone and runs away.  She meets a friendly toad and escapes from a hungry coyote by crossing a busy highway.  She eventually winds up at Miss Delia's farm where all of the animals have unique traits that make them special, much like Goot.  With the help of her new friends, especially Dot the Catbird, Goot finds out that her large feet are what makes her special.


A five page free preview is available in my blog on this site.  Simply search for my name, Christopher Setterlund if you would like to check it out.

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