White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman reviews

White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman - Apr 1, 2009

by sam4441,380 words, poem

Native American legend. The story of Ptsean-Wi. The legend of the Pipe!.

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Five hundred years have passed this nation, the Itazipcho camped; [ within its own circle] guided by their Chief, Standing Hollow Horn; and while the sun shone the chief sent two young scouts two young scouts to hunt for game. With feet upon the earth they began their search — they looked everywhere but nothing could be found.

5 stars of White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman
Truly creative - dialogue amazing and full of imagery. Astounding and powerful with passionate tone. Great read and one to read again and again.

posted by elysianfields on November 27, 2009 at 10:25 PM