To Be or Not to Be: How to Be Your Own Change reviews

To Be or Not to Be: How to Be Your Own Change - Oct 2, 2021

by krisbee1,653 words, article

Control your own destiny.. Is the voice in your head you? If not you, then who? Your ego is sabotaging your very existence when you believe the lies.. The author, a rehabilitated ego believer, takes you on a journey of self discovery, and an awakening adventure..

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Be in this moment You are a Spirit being pretending to be human! Also, you are not your past, or your future. Plus, you keep your suffering alive by believing they are both part of who you are. The only thing that truly exists is THIS moment in time. If you don’t believe me, try going back to a place you used to call home and walking in the door. What do you think would happen? Or how about acting as if you are already in a romantic relationship with someone you are attracted to without actually