Go to Character dressed to kill
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Re: Re: Patientseven
I am glad you changed the color selections. I bet you've got a hell of a story to tell. Be gentle with us.
posted by
on February 29, 2020 at 9:22 AM
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Re: Patientseven
you have no peace all I will ever have is a wall to look at with a smiling face looking back at me.
I made 20 years i was ready to see my kids and buy a house and I bought a new car and I was to be banking one car one college what do those things mean I worked so hard on my life I was within but a fuck up I fuck anybody up the world is not to kill per it be right to die see you got to roll and be ready for anyone so all that now just makes me who I am now
Nothing is ever I never did drugs I never stole
I am not going to give up my children are dead sorry for the sound of who how what are they.
I sure am not the burger man!
For the person I was I knew I came out other and it is not just there
My third one they are all angels once he does away I couldn't let him leave.
Accidentally I still am not sure but my suicide attempt was real (slice of.My wrists)and thrown they will never find me
I love the world and I still hope I can save the character for the book I come with a new title " mind killer" with the whole story in series and the finale the major mind killer a little ending to the beginning. The world deserves to see my book and in the stands of bookstores and shelves of new offices
posted by
on February 28, 2020 at 2:05 PM
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I spend 20 years out of there,
Making a comment is why (and to the judge)
life is deserving today my kids are dead
I barely got to hold them (of three)right after giving birth
I will never see you again. You lied to me no that is your possibility
Not my life.
God is truly seeking other. Good luck world
posted by
on February 28, 2020 at 1:49 PM
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posted by
on January 7, 2020 at 5:47 AM
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