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Sending love and light

posted by Shams-i-Heartsong on August 25, 2018 at 4:18 AM | link to this | reply

Kids take time these days.

posted by BC-A on August 24, 2018 at 9:26 AM | link to this | reply

I doubt it's your children who are calling you selfish.  This makes me quite cross as it sounds a lot like my experience.

You must try to make some time for yourself, even if you have to tell hubby it's his turn to mind the shop for an hour!  What about the hairdresser's, it's a perfect excuse to escape. No one takes kids to the salon!

A little story ... I once asked my then husband to watch our little daughter for an hour while I went to have my hair done. It was a Saturday afternoon.  At the time, I worked three days a week (at his behest), leaving my baby with a paid childminder. He had been away all week on business and had just got back that morning.  I (wrongly) thought he would love a bit of time with the baby... know what he said? I should have had my hair done on my 'days off' and asked a friend to have her, and not book it for a Saturday - HIS day off.  The fact that I didn't have any friends nearby to ask this favour (even if I had wanted to!) never entered his head. 

The point is, I shouldn't have had to get his permission as to when to go to the hairdresser! Nor could I have guessed that he couldn't be bothered to amuse a one-year-old for an hour.  Please tell me your husband isn't this bad. 

I hope this makes you smile.  If nothing else, it will show that you we get it! Be brave! You can do this.

posted by mneme on August 24, 2018 at 7:58 AM | link to this | reply

I well remember that time of life and understand how you feel.  I had four boys with the oldest still being four when the fourth was born.  What a trip.  A difficult trip, but I loved it.  It was well worth every effort.

posted by TAPS. on August 23, 2018 at 6:32 PM | link to this | reply

you are just as important as everyone else. You must have some time for yourself. When I have been too busy I always put the car radio on some place where I enjoyed the music and it took 10 minutes to get home ; but that was me time and it always helped. Even if it is only a few minutes hiding in the laundry take a bit of time to sit and breath. deep steady breathing and tell yourself that you matter. You are important.

posted by Kabu on August 23, 2018 at 6:17 PM | link to this | reply