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This is one good Dr.  One of the very few and I have had to see many.  As a result my children have quit smoking.

The Password is : dana

posted by Inside_The_Purple_Purse on March 8, 2015 at 12:16 AM | link to this | reply

I too both respect and fear those in the medical profession. We put our lives in their hands, and a simple misdiagnoses can kill! I think everyone has had at least one experience with a doctor or a hospital where something went wrong! It's scary! But, we do what we have to do, and you should too . . . 

posted by JimmyA on March 6, 2015 at 6:53 AM | link to this | reply

Through the years I've had a couple of close calls because of doctors who didn't really listen, or thought they knew best.  I guess there are good and bad in every field of endeavor.

posted by TAPS. on March 6, 2015 at 1:29 AM | link to this | reply

Yes it was a tough call. sadly nutters are everywhere and you were unlucky. I just wonder what that Doctor would have said if you had claimed not to have eaten lunch.

Wind I expect.


posted by C_C_T on March 6, 2015 at 12:31 AM | link to this | reply


Oh boy! Another one of your amazing posts...I know whereof you speak - but not from experience! I'm just a very lucky guy - I've never had anything seriously wrong with me! It was always surgery for injuries - knee from running (I busted one doing wind sprints); busted hand and leg when I got hit by a truck riding my bicycle; each shoulder once when I fell awkwardly on the ice on two occasions - that kind of stuff. (As a matter of fact, I saw my surgeon today for a check-up, and he was very pleased with me, as I am with him!)

All the doctors that have ever done any work on me have been fantastic! And the nurses - well, I can't help myself - I flirt with them, and we always get along extremely well...

Having said that, I know of horror stories similar to yours...But what really worries me is something you just sort of mention in passing...that 'the beast is back!'  You do understand that you must do something about that, don't you? Don't put it off!

posted by Nautikos on March 5, 2015 at 7:31 PM | link to this | reply

As an RN it is tough for me to read this on several levels.

1. How could all those Dr's and nurses breaks my heart. Yeah it can be harder to pick a women but it still ain't rocket science.


2. A Dr has to be really super special to impress me. So many have asked me what I think? excuse me I give you the Dr. the symptoms and what the patient has said and you are supposed to know!

3 Now retired most Dr. and nurses cringe when they see me coming and really wish I would disappear. I guess my standards are just too high for today.

Don't blame yourself. Yes keep a very close eye on your health and always explain your history to anyone medical. Sometimes calling 911 gets you better attention as well.


posted by Kabu on March 5, 2015 at 6:30 PM | link to this | reply

 I hope all is well but I could not help being entertained by some of your humor.

 That was a good read.

posted by Vermont01 on March 5, 2015 at 6:21 PM | link to this | reply

You went through a whole lot...It was not on the same scale as you. In my case, it was having to go to several different doctors over a two year period to receive a diagnosis that both of my eyes have an astigmatism.

posted by FormerStudentIntern on March 5, 2015 at 4:40 PM | link to this | reply

Thanks for making this real!

Women, heart issues, the doctors who look for a horse, not a zebra when they hear hoofs in the night... Regardless that maybe their patient lives in the Serengeti!

Thanks for the encouragement to be our own advocates!

posted by Ciel on March 5, 2015 at 4:15 PM | link to this | reply