Comments on prompt: Here comes the heat...

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My house is located front-East, back-West, and it does get hot in the summer! But, since both my LSW and I hate a/c, (even the one in my car I use only on rare occasions), we decided a long time ago we weren't gonna have any. But we do have lots of large windows that open (with screens), large sliding doors onto the deck and fans that keep the air moving, and we don't miss it at all... 

posted by Nautikos on June 18, 2013 at 9:04 AM | link to this | reply

an old fashioned fan daarling. we have A/C and yes we do use it

but I find it makes the arthritis more painful and a fan that stirs the air doesn't. Lots of water and a fan. They don't use much electricity and are cheap to buy these days.

posted by Kabu on June 2, 2013 at 3:04 PM | link to this | reply