Comments on On Gay/Lesbian Marriage in a Straight World

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Thank for the read. And agreeing.

posted by RamfamilyWritings on November 19, 2012 at 8:49 PM | link to this | reply

I must admit I too am on the fence about this one. I really don't care about the gay community in particular . . . there's good and bad everywhere. But I've always felt that, no matter who you are, where you live, what your beliefs are or what kind of lifestyle you are living, everybody needs somebody in their lives. A friend, a confidante, a partner, a mate, someone to be there for you when you need it the most. If it's two men or two women, so be it. And what anyone does behind closed doors, and who they do it with, is certainly their business. However, even with that being said, I too just cannot bring myself to call these "partnerships" a marriage. If they want to call it a "civil union," that's fine. But marriage is between a man and a woman, end of discussion! That's just my opinion. I'm sure others will differ.

posted by JimmyA on November 19, 2012 at 1:13 PM | link to this | reply

Re: children respond to love and there is no reason the extended family can't

Hello, Kabu. Thanks for reading and your comments. Religeous articles specify the division of population, and each church (and/or organization) is one of those divisions.

posted by RamfamilyWritings on November 18, 2012 at 4:26 PM | link to this | reply


My sentiments, exactly: "what is left"?" Someone has to pick up the pieces, eh? This is why I stress that the community should be there to help our widowers, widows, or divorced and single people. This way, there's more than one father-figure and mother figure. Thanks for reading.


posted by RamfamilyWritings on November 18, 2012 at 4:23 PM | link to this | reply


Yeah in my years of converstion, I've heard some of the same things. And I do believe the media's interest has caused its growth. Thanks for the read.

posted by RamfamilyWritings on November 18, 2012 at 4:14 PM | link to this | reply

The wife's view...

Here's my two cents on the topic...well, maybe twenty-five cents worth, Lol.

I believe that there are some people who were born in the wrong body. A male or female, whom, for whatever reason, "birth defect" or what ever one chooses to call it, the outside and the inside are opposite each other, "born in the wrong body". Then of course there are people who have been through traumatic experiences with the opposite sex and choose to have relations with the same sex, then there are those who are just attracted to the same sex, or both sexes. I hate it when I hear religious organizations or people who proclaim to be religious or spiritual, make negative, ugly comments, about others sexual preferance. It's so hypcritical to me to suggest that God, in any form, would turn His/Her back on a soul because of whom they love. Promiscuity is a sin, regardles of gender. Loving is a pathway to a spiritual salvation in any religion, I believe. 

As far as children go, I believe that a child who grows up in a dysfunctional family are going to be adversely effected and a child who grows up in a loving, supportive family is going to be effected in a positive way. Yes, I believe there are lessons that are gender specific. I mean, I think it would be difficult for a man, no matter how feminine he is, to teach a young girl about her menstral cycle in the same way a woman can. Like wise, I think it would be difficult for a woman to teach a young boy about...I don't know...premature ejaculation, for instance. However, I believe that anything can be over come. I think it's more important for a same sex couple with children to associate themselves with the opposite sex, for the children and I believe that same sex parenting can be just as sucessful or unsucessful as traditional parenting. I feel the same about same sex marriage. I don't think sucess is gender specific. There can be bad same sex marriages, just as there can be bad traditional marriages. It's about the level of commitment, love, respect, and trust...not about gender.

Im sure there are those who can argue what I'm saying with verses from the bible or other points of reference and those whose views are completely different than what I state here and that's perfectly fine. Everyones entitled to their opinions. My opinion happens to be that lbgt should have the same rights as anyone else in this "free country" Discrimination is not acceptable in any form and I further believe that in any religion love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance are common factors and if those things aren't honored it's the person who is making the judgement who is the sinner. I think that sums it up for me. 

Great topic for our popular interest page honey. I love you. 

posted by RamfamilyWritings on November 18, 2012 at 3:19 PM | link to this | reply

children respond to love and there is no reason the extended family can't

pull in for added roll models. I understand if Churches don't feel that they can marry folk but the State...yes Oh Yes. i know of people who couldn't say goodbye when their partner died or the house was sold from underneath their feet etc and etc. but also that need to really be one with the beloved.

I have no idea why somepeople are born Gay or Lesbian, the fact is they are and I agree, lets embrace our differences. 

posted by Kabu on November 18, 2012 at 1:07 PM | link to this | reply

What is left of the "traditional" family? So many children in the present time are missing either the father-figure, or even the mother-figure, and in many cases both. If there is love and caring to be found for any child in a same-sex family, I'm all for it.

posted by adnohr on November 18, 2012 at 8:47 AM | link to this | reply

Well for some reason and you must remember this was never talked about in the olden days. Women have always lived as partners as far I as can remember. Probably just as friends in many cases, preferring their own kind. Also wars did not contribute towards an excessive choice. I must admit most of the ladies in this situation appeared to be rather upper-class in the first demeanour. Society changes, the first gay person I actually came into contact was in the Army, I did not even realise why he was kind of snubbed in a way. I did not even know such a thing, being a country person I just thought nature followed a certain order. So it was rather a surprise when he accompanied me to the cinema to tell me in a sad little voice that he did not like girls. Of course being innocent

I had to ask him why.He said because they are so messy. I remember telling him that he might grow out of the phase. I just can't remember what happened to him, I probably just treated him as straight. Now it seems everyone is at it, I blame the jungle telegraph.

posted by C_C_T on November 18, 2012 at 7:24 AM | link to this | reply