Comments on Sadly...It's Not Just Your "Lady Parts" That Depends On It!

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Re: Sorry Corbin but you are the dense one in this.

Here in Kentucky you would be classified as one who is dumber than dirt.......obnoxiously arrogant without any reason to bolster such a "tude".  have you provided or produced one thing towards the success of your town, state or this country.  Sucking off the public teat doesn't count.

What kind of "normal" person continiously clicks on their son's years old, stale post rants to bring them back up to the top 100?

You have a way of getting blocked don't like it.  So you got it.....


posted by Corbin_Dallas on October 31, 2012 at 4:36 AM | link to this | reply

Sorry Corbin but you are the dense one in this.

I was trying to show you that conservative fundamentalist ideas very much defend the concept of dehumanizing people just because of the way they are born. If you are not able to grasp the bigger picture here, you really need to reevaluate trying to argue any point, as most rational thinking seems to go over your head.  Being left handed is something still attacked today and more than likely there are those who would abuse the science you speak of in the same manner towards those of us who are left handed as they would homosexuals.  Conservative fundamentalists are always looking for groups to attack and dehumanize.  Any of those groups who are 'born that way' are equally likely to suffer from an abuse of such science.

As for an answer to your question, if your parents were die hard conservative fundamentalists, then yes, most likely you are your true love would not have been born after such a test.  If your parents were liberal minded, then no, you would still have had a chance.

I am well ware that you came out and admitted your sexuality and that you have along term partner, who due to you becoming religious are not longer lovers with.  My son wrote a post about it once and I agree with him and very much feel sorry for you, since you now are unable to be true to yourself in this life because of your religious beliefs.  At least you are honest about the truth of being born gay and it only helps the marriage equality side to get conservatives like you to admit this truth as much as possible.  So please make sure you tell more and more people this fact.  I will do what I can to get you to openly say it as much as possible, as I would love for you and your partner to be able to live the way you should be allowed to once the intolerance towards homosexuals becomes a thing of the past.  I do find it interesting that I am fighting for your rights, rights that you do not seem to want... Right that I gain nothing by, yet you gain dignity with... I guess I do not see basic human rights and liberties as something that is all about me.

As for your comment about as for who is 'pushing for eugenics'.  Liberal minded people love science and push for it at every turn so we can better understand the universe and all people can benefit from it.  Conservatives go and abuse such science, after they have attacked it and tried to deny it or demonize it. When used right, the basics of eugenics can make a true difference in people's lives, while abuse of such science could do great harm, as would the abuse of science in general.  It is not the science that is at fault, but those who misuse it.  But to understand all of that, once must be willing to understand the basics of science to begin with. Once more, which group do you think is more likely to terminate a pregnancy because the child is going to be born gay?  I've already answered that question, but you seem to ignore the reality of it all.

posted by Xeno-x on October 30, 2012 at 12:54 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Thank you Corbin

You cannot be this dense...... Did you not read the entire post?

"If the genetic tests eventually allow us to determine whether an unborn child might be you think we’ll still have gay people? 

Would I or Joe Love have been allowed to breath a single breath?"

Which planet have you been living on for the past 19 months since I told everyone here about Joe and you just babble on and on without any intake of data?

.it's your progs that are pushing for eugenics.......that goes way back to Woodrow Wilson and his academia friends

posted by Corbin_Dallas on October 30, 2012 at 2:43 AM | link to this | reply

Thank you Corbin

I love it when my opponents hand me victory while being cocky about it.

Yes, people are born homosexuals.  It is genetic. Homosexuals have no choice, but to be attracted to those of their own sex.  You can't 'pray the gay out' or teach them to not have those feelings. It is interesting that we agree on this point, but you seem to not understand what it means.  You see some time ago there was the attitude that those of us who were born left handed were evil and that we needed to be taught to not be left handed.  We had no choice in the matter.  We were born that way, but narrow minded people said that was wrong and tried to paint those of us who were left handed as some form of possessed individuals, damned to Hell is we didn't 'change our evil ways'.

So please add left handedness to your list here, since conservative fundamentalists treated those who were left handed the same as they treat homosexuals today.  If you cannot see the point here, then there is little hope for you.

Now ask yourself the big question that you do not seem to want to address.  If we could determine before birth which children were likely to be homosexual, which group do you think would be the ones to have those children aborted?

I'll give you a hint, myself and Kooka and every liberal minded person I know would accept our children perfectly if they were gay.  Yet I personally know a fair amount of conservative minded families that have disowned their gay children, and have seen and heard even more stories to back this up.  Hell, even the Bible defends the idea of killing homosexuals.

It is your side who would abuse such a tool, all the while condemning the actual need for legal abortions, while using religious BS to justify their actions.

But I doubt you will see the logic I have presented here.  Please gift us all with your reply on this and show us how I am wrong.

posted by Xeno-x on October 29, 2012 at 2:17 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Just to clarify

As to your question....of course we are.  What is your point?

posted by Corbin_Dallas on October 28, 2012 at 6:48 PM | link to this | reply

Just to clarify

Are you openly admitting that people are genetically born homosexual now?
And then we can get into which group is more likely to get an abortion over issues such as down syndrome and homosexuality.  I know of no liberal minded person who has gotten or even thought of having an abortion, yet I know of several conservatives who have.  I always felt that was an interesting contrast.

posted by Xeno-x on October 28, 2012 at 12:59 PM | link to this | reply

CD, Who is forcing a way of life on whom?

posted by dsm_tchr on October 28, 2012 at 11:13 AM | link to this | reply


I haven't seen the ad - but if I were any kind of woman, lady or no lady, I would be deeply offended by an ad that asked me to vote based on my 'lady parts'...

And as to your specific point: you and I know of course, and everybody should know, that the Nazis were very big on eugenics...

posted by Nautikos on October 28, 2012 at 9:26 AM | link to this | reply