Comments on A Delicate Balance: Teaching About Islam In American Schools

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Not Every School is That Way

Hi, this is Chris.  My daughter's school did a six-week unit on each major religion.  The teachers were thoughtful enough to plan the Islam unit so it ended on Eid, at which time myself and another mom made cookies, stuffed dates and other sweets for the classroom.  I overheard several kids saying they wished that they were muslim.  That's how positively Islam had been portrayed.  I'd like to think there are other schools, curriculum and teachers such as this.

posted by cheap-women on December 14, 2003 at 7:22 PM | link to this | reply

Well, people are weird like that. Christians tend to be very insecure about their religion. You'd think that a parent would be confident that they have taught their child right from wrong as they see it... Rather they nearly have a heart attack every time another religion is mentioned. *sigh

My history teacher last year was great. He had taught the three major religions in one (I hesitate to call it a lesson...but for lack of a better word..)

Overall--- the three were all on one test. Of course, being the religious history nut I am.. I was the only one that got 100% plus 5points extra credit. (I can't help but brag... don't I have the right to smile about myself???  LOL)



posted by JustJilly on December 12, 2003 at 4:35 AM | link to this | reply