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I don't think the Holy Bible would any less inspirational for me. I spend four hours each day studying the Holy Bible and for me it is a tool that aides in my spirituality. It is one of the most fascinating books I have ever read. It is so unfortunate that this site doesn't embrace true debate; it tends to be argumentative. You ask poignant question that lend themselves to debate. But I don't see it as one has to lose or one has to win, etc. but it would be so worthwhile to investigate and try to answer or not according to what is contained. As much as I study I am woeful insofar as even ascertaining any classification, it's not important to me. It is a dynamic book! Well worth the read! It's just like today in the Old Testament, always war, no peace. CAll it what it is, we are no different now than they were in this Book, we just live in better tents! sam

posted by sam444 on January 13, 2010 at 10:13 PM | link to this | reply

Justi, interesting comment there
"You declare all your work null and void when your base is to prove another person wrong."  What are you talking about now?   Is this your way of backing out of my challenge to provide proof to defend your claims here?  If what I write is 'lies' and whatever else you wish to claim it to be, then go and prove it to be such.  I ma a grown up and I can handle being shown I have made a mistake.  You've claimed I've been mistaken and I ask you to clarify and show me my mistakes, and you can't. If you could prove I am mistaken in my ideas, then do it or shut up.  It really is that simple.

Actually both times you have blocked me was after I left a fairly polite comment to you. If you wish to push this, I can go and find both comments and put them out there for all to see. I know for a fact the first time you blocked me was after I said ' I disagree with you, but you have every right to your views' or something of that manner.  You then told me to stop harassing you (Even though it had been several months since I last left a comment to you) and blocked me.

Then I am curious as to what post you are referring to.  Now there were a couple comments a little while back that got pulled, but no post of mine has ever been yanked by Blogit. I did have to edit one once though.  Go a head and show the comments in question.  I know what I said there and if you took offensive, then you have no business being on Blogit to begin with, becasue you clearly are unable to deal with reality.  I would defend both of those comments as not violating Blogit policy. In fact I went and rewrote both of them since I believe in free speech and was ready to fight for it.

I do not believer myself to be judge or jury over anyone's writing.  I do however believe in integrity and that you need to make sure what you are putting on your posts is the truth and if someone shows you that you have presented false information, then you need to be an adult about it and either remove or admit your mistake and make a correction.  You will find I have never once gone after someone for having a differing view than me when that view is based on their beliefs.  I only go after those who use misinformation, propaganda and lies.  And whenever I claim anything to fit in that category I provide the evidence to back up my claim.

And please note Justi, this world is not running on being in tune with you. You are truly silly in your assumption of me and my writing.

posted by kooka_lives on January 13, 2010 at 4:50 PM | link to this | reply

You declare all your work null and void when your base is to prove
another person wrong. I have only begun to write on your posts. If you call polite the incredible filth you left on my post the time you were blocked and are blocked you define yourself as one unable to be sensible about anything. The person who turned you in, was not me, they were so offended by that post but we both have copies of it if you want your credibility posted I may just decide to do that. You make it your business to be judge and jury for all other people's writing that does not agree with yours. This world is not running on being in tune with you. You are truly silly in your assumption of me and my writing.

posted by Justi on January 13, 2010 at 4:07 PM | link to this | reply

Justi, why are you trying to make this personal?
From what I have seen, I have far better 'clue' about a great many things than you do, as your comment so clearly shows.  So please, don't try to make this into personal attacks.

How often have you written posts where you have had no idea at all what you are saying? You got upset because I caught you spreading false information, claiming it to be true and using that information to from and defend your views.  When I tried to be polite and point out your errors, show you the undeniable evidence that shows your were mistaken and ask that you correct yourself, you got upset, called me name, attacked my character and then blocked me and then did all you could to try and drive me away from Blogit by making it as hostile as possible for me here.  And I am fairly sure that is what you are attempting yet again

After that kind of behavior from you, I am sorry but I do not for one moment trust your judgment in such things.

What I wrote here is fully relevant, it not making light of anything or acting cowardly in any manner. I am presenting logical, reasonable ideas and asking rational questions.  I very much do know what I speak of.  Of course if you have some form of evidence to show that my questions and ideas are flawed, please present them to me.  I have always encouraged those who disagree with me to provide proof that I am wrong.,

Also, I am not attempting to change anyone's faith or 'weaken a new believer' with what I post.

It is clear that you are very much afraid of the questions I ask.  You refuse to give them a good hard look and try to give a fair, honest answer to them.  Read this post with an open mind, becasue I know I actually showed respect for the inspirational power of your Bible in this post.  If you cannot understand that, then the whole of the post obviously is too much for you to deal with and you woudl be better off not reading my posts, because they will only upset you.

Oh, and your issue with the 'vulgarity' of my blog title here...  Do you wish to claim that there is no religious BS out there?

posted by kooka_lives on January 13, 2010 at 2:19 PM | link to this | reply

First your instruction must be from a reaction you would need because of emotions run amuck. I do not need to calm down and take a deep breath. I have seen and heard your rants long enough to know you haven't a clue, as the writing proves. You are accusing me of a rant made in frustration, (that is such egotistically attempted manipulation) I have no reason to rant period and certainly not at you. As to your question about the harm??? You are not asking, you are jabbing, making light of and acting in a most cowardly of controlling ways. You don't know of what you speak, that has never stopped you and it hurts many people, yes you may weaken a new believer and that will be a most unfortunate thing for you to deal with later. God has warned about such. Just the title of this blog is the effects of a Vulgarian.

posted by Justi on January 13, 2010 at 1:26 PM | link to this | reply

Justi, calm down and take a deep breath
I openly admit I do not have all the answers, which is one of the main reasons I ask questions.  And I am very much not afraid in the least about the answers.  I do not ask these questions to squash anything.  In fact I have the up-most respect for individual beliefs.

I am not trying to 'be right' here.  I am trying to learn and gain wisdom as well as better myself and my understanding of the world and humanity as whole.  And your reply actually helps with that, even though it is far off topic and clearly a rant made in frustration.

I can't help but wonder why you seem to be so afriad of people asking these questions.  What harm does it do for people to question ideas?

posted by kooka_lives on January 13, 2010 at 1:03 PM | link to this | reply

If you are not afraid of being totally wrong why in the world would you spend so much time trying to prove something is wrong? In fact with your approach to anything being accurate is great fodder for people to believe it. Is it because you are afraid? You don't have all the answers to anything and certainly not the Bible. Unless you are the resident host to the Holy Spirit you don't have and can't get all the information. It is an exercise in futility for one who does not believe to want to squash something, why? If you did not believe you would not be afraid, if you were not afraid you would not work so hard on being right!

posted by Justi on January 13, 2010 at 12:42 PM | link to this | reply

it is mythical accounts interspersed with semi-historical data

like any history, written from a local point of view.

I've mentioned myself in my posts that Genesis 2, for example, parallels humans moving from hunter-gatherer societies to agrarian, the Garden being hunter-gather and outside, with thorns and thistles growing up among cultivated plants being the agrarian, the concept of "nakedness" as opposed to being clothed, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil being the development of Religion, with its rules, etc., and civilizations with theirs.  It's a story rooted in the misty past of the culture of the person who finally set it to script.

Much of Genesis is the same.

The more accurate historical tales come with the later kings of Israel and Judah, whose existence has been verified from outside sources.

posted by Xeno-x on January 13, 2010 at 10:21 AM | link to this | reply

The Bible should be considered not just one book, but a whole library of books; a compendium of facts, fiction, philosopy and a certain amount of myths and superstitions.

 I think you might find the book 'The bible as history' by Werner Keller an interesting read.

As believers, as their name implies, base their belief on the scriptures you are not going to shake their faith, irrespective of how many blogs you decide to write on the subject. (IMHO)

posted by elinjo on January 13, 2010 at 6:46 AM | link to this | reply

The wisdom is in the concepts shared. . .
not in the historical veracity.  My brothers and sisters who believe in Biblical inerrancy can not see the value in other approaches to the Bible.  If the Bible was proven to be completely fiction, it would still be invaluable to me.

posted by Budguy on January 12, 2010 at 9:18 PM | link to this | reply