Comments on The Animals Will Commit Suicide...

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The usual: tear-jerking, tendentious crap! An appeal not to reason, but to raw emotion...And that it often works (though luckily not always), can be seen by the previous comment...

posted by Nautikos on February 10, 2009 at 4:46 AM | link to this | reply

Re: I don't see where you see a "pre-industrial socialist slave state"
Of course you don't.......We would all be better off in huts.....with no cars.....but sorry, we would have to burn wood to cook and provide heat.......and based on your could be the witch doctor!!!  

posted by Corbin_Dallas on February 9, 2009 at 9:06 AM | link to this | reply

I don't see where you see a "pre-industrial socialist slave state"
I see release from the slavery that industry has imposed upon us and our government, where oil companies have a bigger say in government than common people, where industries that don't give a damn about people pollute the air and give us all respiratory problems, or the water and poison, not only fish, but people downstream, and even now oppose any effort to curb carbon dioxide emissions that are harming, not only the animals, but humans, by the rising temperatures around the world.  But you aren't affected by it, are you?  Ask people in Australia, who've barely escaped wildfires that have claimed over 200 lives, or people in a few years who will be fighting over Colorado River water that is less because of less snowpack on the mountains because of the warming, or England and others, who, in a few years, will probably see worse winters than they have ever seen because of interruption of warm water from the Atlantic current, or people living along the Gulf and Eastern coasts who have and will experience stronger hurricanes in greater numbers than before, or people in the Midwest who have and will experience more and greater tornados than before.  As long as you are unaffected, I guess, the problem doesn't exist.  But it does exist in stunning reality for these and others.

posted by Xeno-x on February 9, 2009 at 7:36 AM | link to this | reply