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Even your hostility is weak. Nearly everything you write is a put down of someone else. And if it's not about Obama you don't seem to have much to say. A bit one dimensional aren't you.

"Clueless, ignorant, BS." Your 3 favorite words. It must be awfully repetitive to be around you. Are you in any comic books? Why don't you try out for a voice-over in South-Park or the Simpsons?

At least I acknowledge my dark satire of the planet and humans, whereas you continue to delude yourself like many religious nuts and liberal kooks who claim moral superiority.

You're goddamned right I'm better and have better taste than you and the likes of you. You wouldn't know what to like if it didn't come out on MTV.

Enjoy your estrogen.

posted by mordent on January 10, 2009 at 4:29 PM | link to this | reply

You had nothing at all of value to say and what you did say showed you to be the kind of person I would never wish on my worst enemy to have to associate with.
Once more you obviously are confuse about reality, since no where in that comment did I use any foul language and only gave insults that were basically deserved due to the annoyance of your general superiority issue towards everyone who is not you, and the more they do not think like you do the more you obviously feel superior to them.  Funny thing is that form what I have seen the less they think like you the more they will be enjoying life and the less they will come off like a clueless a-hole.  And yes, I do believe I am superior to you in all ways that matter, but not to everyone else who is not me or who disagrees with me, just those like you who are too feeble and weak where it counts.
Oh and just having issue with Christianity does not make you any less conservative.  Not all conservatives are fundamentalists, just the more dangerous ones.
And yes, a person who enjoys fiction is more likely going to understand the difference between fiction and the real world.  My guess is that if you were ever to actually sit down and read let say Watchmen (A truly inspired piece of writing in the comic book realm that I believe everyone should read if they really want to see what fiction should be all about) you might get confused and not understand that such things did not really happen in 1984.
As I said in my other comments section,  I am done with you.  You have never once presented anything of value in your comments to me.  you are too full of yourself and too concerned with trying to put people down for not being you. 

posted by kooka_lives on January 10, 2009 at 2:08 PM | link to this | reply

Re: mordent

As usual the first 10 minutes of your reply is nothing but repetitive hostility. Obsessed with foul language and insults. That is due to the unsophistication of your rap-music mentality. I obviously bring out the worst in you which is proof that much bad lies within.

Bush is absolutely not my idea of a President but you like many libs have developed Bush Derangement Syndrome. Of which there is no cure because Bush has become the scape-goat for a miserable existence.

You will think of this man and hate him until your grave, such is the hold that he has on you.

You are correct that I have a strong disdain for the modern leftist psychology as I think they are pure weakings full of estrogen and brainwashed by the media/schools all the while thinking they're morally superior and hip/cool.

I have left-wing views on some issues but I cannot stand weak, putrid leftists and so that is why you see my comments on rightwing people who attack the left.

However though I may swing hard to the right on some issues I am not religous and if you look further you will notice I question Christians and religious people quite a bit.

So I have no country you see. I am an individual.

I've told you I dip everywhere when it comes to sources but mostly I observe and consider my powers of observations to be far superior to most. If you don't buy that, tough.

And you swallowed your own tail with that remark about reality and fiction.

Think about it, a guy who reads comic books is going to tell me about reality. Leftists are to wimpy to face reality. It is they who can't grasp reality.

One reason why my posts can cause such a stir is because it's a reality that few want to believe.

Now I will confess, despite that I am probably your age or a tad older I do absolutely hate all forms of modern entertainment. And yes people of your/my generation and younger fill me with disgust.

You and your brethren are nothing but culture victims dancing in your own shit.

Fortunately I have the not so distant past to recline in and remind myself of when things were good.

Yes in fact everything good's been done.

You should go visit my poetry and see the creations of a thorougly blackened heart. And make no mistake. I'm enjoying it every inch of the way.



posted by mordent on January 10, 2009 at 11:39 AM | link to this | reply

I need to start learning better discipline and get back to ignoring you, since you still have yet to ever offer anything of value in any comment you make to me.  Yet I feel I need to reply to you. It is like telling people in horror movies to stop doing stupid things.  You know it does no good and it would be best to just say nothing, but you can't help yourself.  When you see people act that foolish, it just seems like you need to say something.
First off you are full of BS and you know it.  I have seen your posts and read your comments to conservative bloggers and you lean to right heavily.  You are a conservative and there is no way I am going to believe otherwise with you.  Now that does not mean you might have some issues that you are liberal on, but I have seen enough with you to know that you are NOT anything close to be middle of the line.  While you claim to be free of media and other influences, you have too many times made remarks that could ONLY come from listening to conservative propaganda.
I do not idolize Obama.  I am well aware he is just a man.  But after eight years of Bush and his policies that have brought this country down like no other president in my life time has, someone like Obama is needed.  While I do not expect him to perform miracles I very much believe he is what is needed right now and that he will have a very successful eight years in office as he fixes the problems Bush and the conservatives have created for us.
And I very much do believe you when you say you get nothing out of cartoons and comic books.  I also get the impression you get nothing out of just about any form of entertainment.  I can't see you enjoying movies or really any form of fiction.  You just seem to have such a weak grasp of reality that I don't see you grasping fiction or even trying to enjoy it.  Of course I also have gotten the impression that you don't get much joy out of life in general.

posted by kooka_lives on January 10, 2009 at 10:39 AM | link to this | reply

I think Obama is much more 'real' than most politicians and he is by far more real in every way than what we just put up with for the last eight years.

posted by kooka_lives on January 10, 2009 at 10:25 AM | link to this | reply

I could relate to comic-books/cartoons as a child but can't seem to do it now. I didn't like either candidate in this election and did not vote. I percieved McCain as too old and dumb and Obama as too socialist. I am to the right on some issues, to the left on others. That being said I want whoever's in office to do well. I had fun bashing both Obama and McCain because I am a sadist but I do hope for success.

However I do think you have idolatry towards Obama and I wonder if you are aware of it and think that it's healthy?


posted by mordent on January 10, 2009 at 8:12 AM | link to this | reply

Obama in Spiderman!
That's great Kooka!  I like how hands-on Obama is with the public, it gives me more faith in what he says about actually caring for the well-being of the general public.  On Thanksgiving, I guess he and his family were at a soup kitchen handing out turkeys to the less fortunate.  I was sort of incredulous at first, even though I am an Obama supporter, thinking that maybe he sold out for the face value of it.  It seems that he has been doing this for years, though, he genuinely seems to be a good guy. 

posted by calia14 on January 9, 2009 at 10:15 PM | link to this | reply

I have no problem with expressing opinions here.  I took more offense towards your apparent attitudes about comic books to tell you the truth.
Your comment seemed to suggest that comic book are jokes, which would say you were unaware that more and more they are being viewed as very legitimate literature.  The Graphic novel Watchmen is considered by many to be one of the more important pieces of fiction to be come out of he 1980s, if not this last century.  To suggest that it is a joke for someone to find themselves in a comic book to me is an insult toward a very legitimate form of literature.  That is what made you comment dumb.
Also, you are about as wrong as it gets about Obama.  While I know of no one who believes him to be a god or to be perfect, he is going to clearly be better for this country than what we have put up with for the last eight years and he was obviously a much better choice by far than McCain.
Of course that is my opinion and in eight years, after you and the others who share your opinions are proven wrong, I highly doubt we will see any form of apology for you harsh criticism of the man before he has a chance to do anything.

posted by kooka_lives on January 9, 2009 at 8:12 PM | link to this | reply

Re: TexasGem
Okay. Why is your opinion on conservatives okay, but not the other way around? I am not an obama supporter. I hope he does well but I am not expecting too much so I won't be disappointed if he doesn't. hussein obama is not a god as the liberals suppose and it will be interesting to see how he responds to the muslims who have already challenged him. It will depend on how much slack nancy pelosi gives him as she leads him around on a leash. You are entitled to your opinion but so am I.

posted by Texas_Gem on January 9, 2009 at 5:30 PM | link to this | reply

Considering that neither Bush nor McCain have ever nor will ever see their faces on Investor's Business Daily for solving any financial situations, I think that becomes rather irrelevant.  Although if one looked at Bush's business records from before he became president, he might make it as someone who is very gifted and bankrupting oil companies.  Since he ran this country the way he did those oil companies he drove into the ground, our present economic situation should be no surprise at all.
As for the value of the comics, I don't really care how much it ends up being worth.  I do not collect anything for the possible future value of it.  it will be a popular issue and it will sell well I am sure. Although in eight years time, when Obama has shown himself to be one of the truly great presidents (Although since he is following Bush, it won't take much at all for him to look impressive), I think no matter how many copies get printed it will become a sought after issue.

posted by kooka_lives on January 9, 2009 at 2:08 PM | link to this | reply

That had to be one of the dumbest comments I have ever had anyone leave me here.  And you are up against some real dumb competition for that

posted by kooka_lives on January 9, 2009 at 2:01 PM | link to this | reply

I think not.......I'd rather he be on the cover of Investor's Business Daily for solving our financial situation.......I'm sure it will sell a hell of a lot of that issue rendering it worthless for potential appreciation for collectors......but Marvel will do well.

BTW...Thanks for stopping by.......

posted by Corbin_Dallas on January 9, 2009 at 1:34 PM | link to this | reply

Marvel comics made a good choice...
cuz obama is a big joke. lol

posted by Texas_Gem on January 9, 2009 at 1:12 PM | link to this | reply