Comments on Israel claims success in WAR SPIN!

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Dave, ur estimation that...
"the world's evil comes from the descendants of the retreating Kauravas, defeated by the Pandavas centuries ago from the Himalayas, and will be defeated again by the next Krishna-Pandavas alliance" is , to me, indeed profound, revolutionary & extremely insightful. After all, at it's core, these r all battles of the spirit vs the evil (which u term the "dark side"), and characteristics such as race, genetics, religion, nationality, gender etc r only external attributes that, on an individual basis, can have a spiritual or evil core, and r not attributes of any particular group. That is why it is so important to look in the soul of every person, especially leaders, to see where they r taking their followers, and how they r impacting the world, and speak / act accordigly without bias to any generic group....that is how the Krishna / Pandava alliance will form across the world...u can see that at a very microcosmic level right here on blogit...may I suggest once more that the likes of you, Naut and others would do a great service to others if you published a concise, well-researched, easily understandable paper in major media...both of you, and enlightened folks like you, have the blessings of us all, best, Ash 

posted by ash_pradhan on January 8, 2009 at 11:35 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Re: Re: Dave, this is a powerful dialogue...
The truth is that These Khazaric Jews are the evil that holds the world in prison now! Mahabharat War 2 will be fought! This is what my Indian teacher told me in 1986...when there was PEACE!

posted by Soul_Builder101 on January 6, 2009 at 9:13 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Heartful in this death valley hoping for human change for common and pe
Hope you get it Mystereo!

posted by Soul_Builder101 on January 6, 2009 at 9:10 PM | link to this | reply

Heartful in this death valley hoping for human change for common and peace!

posted by Mystereo on January 4, 2009 at 10:17 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Re: Dave, this is a powerful dialogue...
Very interesting how you connect the various segments of the ancient civilization would be equally interesting, and of course useful, to hear / read other equally well-informed views, both supporting as well as opposing. So long as they are expressed in a spirit of co-operation for the better of everyone, I for one welcome them. Perhaps, other experts like Naut, Cklapper and others could further enlighten us, best, Ash

posted by ash_pradhan on January 4, 2009 at 9:47 AM | link to this | reply

Re: Dave, this is a powerful dialogue...
Thanks Ash! I am no expert but I am well informed. These people are descended from the Khazars of Eastern Europe. They opted for Judaism and are not genetic Jews. They were in Eastern Europe because they were driven there from the Himalayas,. My Estimate is that they were the retreating Duryodhan clan, being defeated by the Pandavas of India. They were a military/warring people who rented out their armies. They swarmed over Europe and using money and debauchery conquered many empires. They could not conquer the Russians but they conquered most of the rest. They hated the czar of Russia. So they set Germany up to be conquered. Britain had to pay up....Palestine! Palestine was not Britain's to give. So the OCCUPATION began and in 1948 the UN acknowledged Israel's right as a state. But, they were on Palestinian lands...stealing it until today! That is what this war is about...more  stealing! Meanwhile they are embedded in Europe and America so that no words of STOP are heard. They control, news, tv, banking etc! These rakshasas need another krishna/pandava alliance to destroy them. That is what they will get!   

posted by Soul_Builder101 on January 3, 2009 at 9:33 PM | link to this | reply

Dave, this is a powerful dialogue...

I'm not that familiar with the history & politics in middle-east, and hence cannot comment with any kind of authority...the views of experts like yourself, Naut & others do give us more understanding / insight, and as such I welcome them...I'm a firm believer of unbiasedly listening to all points of view, as there r always many, and not jumping to premature conclusions...Needless to say, I'm also a firm believer that God is in every person, regardless of race, religion, etc...but it escapes me as to why & how He allows the premature death of innocent people, no matter where...Lord Krishna counseled warrior Arjuna, as recorded in the Hindu scripture Bhagwad Geeta, to go to war against Arjuna's own cousins the Kouravas, who were notorioulsy evil-doers, and hence deserved to be were Hitler, Stalin & Saddam...but in these middle-eastern, India-Pak, and east-european wars, it is hard to pin-point the real, exact culprits, hence the international frustration..if i've said anything offensive to anyone here, it is totally unintended to be so, blessings, Ash


posted by ash_pradhan on January 3, 2009 at 9:02 PM | link to this | reply

Re: sam444
It is one-sided. My link to the maps and the link to IF AMERICA KNEW says this! Israel does not belong there. The Palestinians are the native people. The Jews were 7% before the Balfour declaration owning 3% of the land. Since then the neo-Jews have been killing Arabs and stealing their lands. Period. The Arabs were content to have the 1967 status but the neo-Jews don't want that. Only Israel has nuclear and thermobaric weapons, in addition to bio-chemical weapons. What more do you want to see? I gave you maps of Palestinian land reduction and bar charts of comparative strenght. The Israelis are land-stealing occupiers! Is that not plain enough?

posted by Soul_Builder101 on January 3, 2009 at 8:05 PM | link to this | reply

I keep reading! I still think it is not all one sided! sam

posted by sam444 on January 3, 2009 at 7:19 PM | link to this | reply

Re: The radical left-leaning media stirs, spins, and spews so much venom.
My first post had a link on the land distribution before the zionists asked Britain for Palestine as a condition for getting the Us in the war. It was all Palestinian land. The genetic-Jews had 3% of the land. The influx of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews saw the % of lands owned by the Palestinians plummeting. These non-genetic Jews were stealing Palestinian lands...even to today. Remember Rachel Corey who stood before an Israeli tractor and was mowed down...defending a Palestinian family. Then In my post IF AMERICA ONLY KNEW, I gave a link that has comparative bar-charts for every important comparative criteria of Palestinians and Jews. These are the facts. The Israeli rhetoric is to be a victim-bully. Until they are given a dose of their own medicine. Thankfully, that is not far off!

posted by Soul_Builder101 on January 3, 2009 at 6:27 PM | link to this | reply

Re: War Spin
Thanks Kolekshuns! The past is known. Some Jews asked for Palestine so that Britain could win the war against Germany if the US stepped in. Palestine was not Britain's to give. America stepped in...The Germans were defeated. Britain couldn't pay up cuz they didn't own Palestine. A series of assassinations of British nobility like ambassadors etc forced Britain to help give Palestine to these Khazaric wannabe Jews...they were not genetic Jews. They went to Palestine and started stealing the People's land...violently. In 1948 the UN officially recognized the Jewish state of Israel...but there were no fixed borders. Since then  the stealing of land has continued until the original inhabitants are now contained in Gaza and the West Bank....totally under Israeli rule. Israel has the weapons of mass destruction.  Their BS about the 'Chosen race' is only BS. You choose God then he chooses you. God don't care if you're Christian or a sun-worshipper. You choose HIM and he Chooses you. He doesn't choose a whole race...simply because there are axxeholes scattered everywhere.  They are taking mankind on a path that will challenge God to come and destroy them. He will but on his own time!

posted by Soul_Builder101 on January 3, 2009 at 6:11 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Sinome
I am first a human being....not a dark side. My research (featuring mostly genetic Jews) tells me the truth. I live by it. I cannot condone slaughter done by non-genetic Jews i.e. those of khazar or Ashkenazi origin. There is a big difference there. The CHOSENITES are dreamers. God chooses who chooses HIM. That means that a person from any religion, race or tribe can be chosen...if you seek. Lies, Lies and more Lies is all you will hear! 80% of Israelis support this genocide so we know how many genuine non-khazar Jews there are left! Genocide? The Palestinians have no nuclear weapons, no thermobaric bombs, no chemical weapons of mass destruction! Did you know they used thermobaric bombs in their strikes. If you read my link on IF AMERICA ONLY KNEW, you would see the stark contrasts! I am a third generation Indian born in the west. I am a Roman Catholic and a Yogi...and I say with my all  that this false-Jewish evil that has terrorized the world for so many years will pay.  Then good people of all persuasions will live in peace...Jewish, Arab, Chinese and aborigine! I know Evil and this is not a matter of opinion. Evil's gotta go!

posted by Soul_Builder101 on January 3, 2009 at 5:59 PM | link to this | reply

The radical left-leaning media stirs, spins, and spews so much venom.
It is difficult to separate fact & fiction unless one sees it firsthand. The media continually fans the flames of war. Sad! 

posted by Texas_Gem on January 3, 2009 at 9:18 AM | link to this | reply

War Spin
  So many wars have been going on over there I'm confused about who's doing what.  They've been fighting over there every since right after the fall of Adam and Eve and I believe they will be fighting when Jesus returns.  All I can do is pray for them and hope for the best and thank God that He gave me freedom from that sort of thing.

posted by Kolekshuns on January 2, 2009 at 11:23 PM | link to this | reply

 I don't know what to say... Its like if we are living in two different worlds.  Two different realities.  You see genocide where I see self defense.  You say they are using way too much force when I know that they have the power and ability, as they have demonstrated when they beat all the Arab countries before, to anhialate the Palestinians in 3 hours if they so chosed while sitting on their side and without any casualties, but they preffer to do it the hard way to minimize colateral damage... You think they want to kill innocents but I know they  have told Hamas they are willing to cease fire while Hamas evacuates the civilians from their military instalations. (For as everyone knows in both Israel and Gaza, ,  Hamas has placed their rocket launchers,  and they are not firecrackers, in the midle of civilian neighborhoods, in essence hidding behind their children and women.) Israelites are even anouncing their airstrikes... when and where they will occur, so that civilians can flee.  101, I know you are sincere in your beliefs... but honestly and from the bottom of my heart, I see a reality that you seem to be unable to see, and I am sure you feel the same way about me :-)  At this point  I can see there is no use trying to continue debating so lets just agree to disagree...

posted by Sinome on January 2, 2009 at 11:09 PM | link to this | reply