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Re: Return Of the Jews to Their Homeland/Transcendental Child
read on to the next blogs, the scriptures say just what you are saying, is issiah it talks about gathering from the four corners of the earth, these scriptures are taken from the king james version, there is a long series of scriptures covering this subject, i am just sharing the scriptures as they are, thanks for reading and commenting, thanks kent

posted by Riversidepoet on October 15, 2008 at 2:28 AM | link to this | reply

Return Of the Jews to Their Homeland/Transcendental Child

Who are the real Jews? KJV of the Bible say in the last days that there will be those occupying Jerusalem claiming to be Jews that are not I noticed you mentioned only the Asian

nations, but the bible say he will gather his people from the four conners of the earth The word Jew was a name to denote the Kingdom of JUdah 11 King 16: 6 KJV, 25-25, Jeremiah:

32: 12, 38: 19 40: 11. 41:3, later came to be used for all the Israelites. John: 4: 9 Acts: 18:

2-24. The term Jewish is pertaining to the Jews Titus 1: 14, but when God gather his people he will be gathering the Israelites and that will include all nations who have excepted his son Jesus as their savour. Since no flesh will enter into his new Kingdom he's speaking of a Spiritual gathering of his saints Jews and gentiles alike and that certaintly include every nation. I sugest when you read read with an understanding. before any of this take place

nations must finish rising up against one another Mathew 24: 17 New Teatament KJV

posted by oathApocolicto on October 14, 2008 at 10:14 PM | link to this | reply

O the sons of Israel have had their times. I am doing extensive work in Joshua right now! sam

posted by sam444 on October 14, 2008 at 5:16 PM | link to this | reply