Comments on Barney Frank's Fingerprints Are Over This Fanny...

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Congressional Privilege
Actually, it's pretty hard to go after anyone in Congress over conflict of interest, because Congress covers every topic, so they are given special privileges.  That's what we get for electing people who have connections in, well, some field or other within the economy and culture.  I mean, you wouldn't expect President Bush to stay out of education because his wife is a teacher, now would you.

posted by mousehop on October 13, 2008 at 8:28 AM | link to this | reply

I find the unjustices of the equal protectionest liberal amazing and
they are supposed to be higher beings of light.  I think most will be back paying karma for several more lifetimes.  You will think like me or else. yes, how much more liberal can one get.

posted by skye08 on October 12, 2008 at 9:01 PM | link to this | reply

Had this been a boyfriend or girlfriend of a straight senator it would have been far different. Look at stupid New York governor.

posted by Justi on October 12, 2008 at 8:15 PM | link to this | reply

You know, Corbin, none of this seems to matter to anyone
The fraud that has occurred, at this time primarily amongst Democrats, seems to not be having any imact on voters.  All people can see is their Messiah Obama.  People are crazy!

posted by JanesOpinion on October 12, 2008 at 7:34 PM | link to this | reply