Comments on Hamas' 'Mickey' and Israeli child-killers...VII

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Gap and TAPS!

Ladies! Mind??? I am delighted that you're discussing this subject! It needs discussing! I just wish more people would get involved!

And Gap is of course entirely correct! However, to me, most of the talk about the wall and its attributes, which has since died down in the media because it lost its 'novelty appeal', but is still heard especially in some 'liberal' circles, is really beside the point! What needs to be discussed, in fact, but is always given short shrift, is why there has to be a wall in the first place. That, in fact, Israel was forced into building that wall! I would have built it much sooner! Not because I like walls - I dislike them intensely; but I dislike even more the conditions that make them necessary - in this case the threat from terrorists intent on killing Israelis in the name of the most intolerant and dangerous politico-religious movement in the world today - Islamo-fascism!

I would be happy to start a blog on these matters - but I rather suspect it would die on the vine because of lack of interest! Even though it is probably the most important issue of our age...


posted by Nautikos on October 4, 2008 at 4:27 PM | link to this | reply

Gap, it seems that walls are increasingly necessary everywhere.  A wall along the U.S.-Mexico border prompts divided feelings: it offends people. It comforts people. And it keeps expanding.  Naut, I hope you don't mind us talking to each other on your space. 

posted by TAPS. on October 4, 2008 at 1:11 PM | link to this | reply

An illuminating piece, as per your usual standards, Naut.  And Taps - the Security Barrier is a wall in a fraction of its length - most of it is a monitored fence.  The 30 ft. portions are in areas where Israelis have been picked off by snipers from the West Bank while traveling on the road that traverses the fence.  A concrete partition is obviously more difficult to shoot through than a wire fence.  And, as a comparison, the wall itself is no more threatening than the wall in Belfast, Ireland that separates Catholic and Protestant neighborhoods.  I have been to both security walls in Israel and Ireland and the major difference is - the wall in Ireland does not make the news on a daily basis.

posted by gapcohen on October 4, 2008 at 1:05 PM | link to this | reply

Nautikos, what do you think of the Israeli West Bank Security Barrier that they have been building for years and years?  What a sad thing to have to have a 30-foot high solid wall between peoples in order to feel safe.

posted by TAPS. on October 4, 2008 at 12:00 PM | link to this | reply

It may be outdated, but I believe militants will do what they need to in an effort to promote their cause. This charter is very dangerous! I think you are doing an outstanding job of bring the needed attention to this critical area! Shelly

posted by sam444 on October 4, 2008 at 10:56 AM | link to this | reply