Comments on Hmmmm??? Which is Scarier???

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This is what is called Hobson's choice....or being between the Devil and
the Deep Blue Sea. But on another note, I'm wondering why stick to these binaries? We don't have to subscribe to that thought and can condemn it, but we don't have to do things like not alllowing people with thoughts different from our own to vote, cos that will pave the way for censorship and 'legal' rigging of elections

posted by Straightforward on September 30, 2008 at 9:31 PM | link to this | reply

The writing the sign is horrible! sam

posted by sam444 on September 30, 2008 at 8:30 PM | link to this | reply

Come on, Corbin...
give us something to chew on with respect to the bailout. 

posted by Troosha on September 30, 2008 at 7:59 AM | link to this | reply

alas - the decision makers of America - the voters

posted by ladychardonnay on September 30, 2008 at 5:47 AM | link to this | reply