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Re: Words of Truth
You are an inspiration to me and I thank you. It has been nearly 1 year now, but found out she was having an affair for over 2 years, then had me removed from my home through lies of abuse! It is really hard for me to forgive her, but oh! God knows how I do so pray to be whole from this burden with in me!

posted by kingclay on July 12, 2008 at 6:50 PM | link to this | reply

Words of Truth

I have read your Blog and the progression of your poems as you have worked through the grief process of your pain.  As I read this one,  it reminded me of how I felt when I got a divorce after 21 years of marriage.  My exact words were:  "You are going to die alone with no one to love you, not even your kids."  After his third marriage and divorce, he does indeed live all alone but I did not teach our children to hate.  Now grown and are intelligent enough to see their dad for who he is but they do maintain a relationship with him.'t   When he had a motorcycle accident last year, my Mom offered for him to stay with her and my son so he could be taken care of. That is a miracle of such magnitude you can't imagine.   His second marriage was as best a disaster and as it turned out for too many reasons to expand, I was insturmental in keeping him out of prison for my children's sake and was his support person during his 30  days in jail with his collect calls daily.  I gave him and his 3rd wife a wedding party at my home.  We have had our forgiveness moment and are now good friends.  Last year I provided a forgiveness moment for my husband and his first wife after 27 years for their time is short .  It has made it so much better for our children for both of us. 

Your pain is so real and raw but as you move through your grief and reach acceptance, healing will come and often in a mysterious way and one day maybe a forgiveness moment.  We can now celebrate birthdays and Christmas and special days as a family and friends.  It has enriched the lives of our children and has allowed them to love without guilt of choosing one over the other.

As each day passes, write, write,write  words on page will bring you peace within your soul and you will be whole. May you be surrounded by the Light of forgiveness and Love and Healing skye

posted by skye08 on July 11, 2008 at 7:33 PM | link to this | reply