Comments on Shavuoth

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I LOVE Shavuot!

 because I do  cheese cake and I did get to make a wonderful baked cheesecake that had my friend's son Joshua asking me as soon as he walked in the door if we had any more left. Sadly it was too good to last.

The recipe is in the Yavene School Cookbook and is so simple.

I used a crust made by Glicks. You probably get them a lot cheaper in the USA than we do over here. Laziness prevents me from making my own or lack of time.

Then the recipe is

750 gm of Cream cheese. (I used the chalev Israel Tempo cheese - a two kilo pack that he makes up every shavuot for cheesecakes and blintzes)

four eggs

one cup of sugar


pinch of salt.

Beat the eggs, add sugar, beat again and add vanilla and salt. Blend in cream cheese.

Pour into crust and bake at 180 C for half an hour

You are supposed to leave it in the oven and turn the oven off. I did not do that. I took it out and the texture was to die for. It was out of this world. It was perfect. There is a topping of sour cream and vanilla that you can put on it but no need. It is so delicious by it self. The kids loved it with icecream.

I must make it again. I love dairy so that is why I love Shavuot so much.

posted by Norwood on June 14, 2008 at 6:58 AM | link to this | reply


posted by Xeno-x on June 13, 2008 at 10:26 AM | link to this | reply