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you know -i have a hard time sleeping just thinking about all the bad--so my little efforts put a small ease--small ease--to my anxiety. It really does break my heart-how how can this happen?? last night i faxed about 20 or more letters to Rep. that are not supporting the bill---BUT the good news is that all the candiadtes support the bill (Well now the 2 are--MCAIn and Obama-hillary did aswell--they supported the old bill as well!!)  I bet Bush did NOT!

Anyways-I am a veg. as you would maybe suspect :)  Have been since I was about 14-I am 31 today??scarryyyyy/..  Sorry to be a sad poster-but I just want to bring some awarness to those that want to take time to help or care.  I thank you for "glancing" by

posted by bumpsinaroad on June 10, 2008 at 10:39 AM | link to this | reply

I suffer from chronic depression and can't even bear to read

your atticles. the older I get the less I want to eat anything

that has a face that will haunt me afterward. And, even

McDonald's leaves a fowl taste in my mouth. Sorry, just

had to add a little levity. My prayers are with you all

stronger than I. Go - Sam!!!

posted by Winged on June 10, 2008 at 9:47 AM | link to this | reply

thanks for the post! very important, but tragic...

posted by NighthawkNY on May 21, 2008 at 6:20 PM | link to this | reply


thank you!  Did u sign the canadian petition?  I have 9 horses and 4 of them were destined to the slaughter house-and let me tell you what-they are and have been joys!  Two of them really just used as companions and live and continue to live the good life! And the one has been re trained as a jumper and is all heart!!  And the last was a very successful race horse for just a year (thats all we wanted to race her for--even though she LOVED it and wanted to keep doing it) I had an AMAZING race trainer who treats the horses how they should be treated.  She too was all heart!  I rescued these horses from a guy that bred race horses, so they were in fact really well bred.  The other is now 28 years old and I got him when I was in the eigth grade living in Canada-he too was on the way to the slaughter house because he raced badly.  I will continue to rescue horses when I can-and donate to the wonderful organizations that do such amazing jobs ( stories on there--one recent one about a reunion with a woman and her horse (a seattle slew granddaughter)after years separation after it was claimed in a race-and then this org. rescued it almost dead!  long story--read it-  All these horses we can rescue are able to be re trained and be wonderful at what ever they can best be suited for.  I guess I really want to help our animals so badly and it really pains me to know what happens to our poor horses-so scared---and it is even worse for kids to see this and think it is o.k.! (some do!!)  there is another site something like alexbrownforum-pretty good-gives you updates-etc.supossidly there was a big sale in El PAso last thursday and I guess they speculated alot of horses going over the boder from that one--they had a reporter there to try to capture what was going to happen-and was going to wait until after the catalogue sale was over-like 2 am-then most likely it is horrifing-loading the horses up-for there trip to barbaric death-

thank you for your intrest! Good luck with your horse!  Thats an amazing story! There is nothing better then bringing them along yourself (and with help :))

posted by bumpsinaroad on May 18, 2008 at 6:53 PM | link to this | reply

I have sent my letters to these men..I have also in 2003 adopted a PMU baby that was at a slaughter house..She is now 4 years old and with a world class trainer- we will be competing in Dressage this fall..I was raised that horses are "friends not food" I think it is taboo to eat horse flesh..Not to mention appalling and horrid practice...I give you huge Kudos on this!

posted by Wigopa_ on May 18, 2008 at 6:06 PM | link to this | reply

SAmm--YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!!! it is things like this that will help!  as much attention as possible to get evryone to sponser this bill!!!!!  SPREAD the word!  I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your help---everytime I see even just a picture of those poor terrified animals being tortured-undeserving so-i am sick to my stomach-it is "unamerican" to let this continue-especially after we started the ban of slaughter houses-how can we look away and let them load up our horses in cattle semis crammed and killing eachother in fear along the way-and know that they are going to die a BRUTAL death! How can we????  Do people really understand that a horse really does sense and know fear???  I think not the average.  Do you know that TX and NM have the highest percentage of horses going to the Slaughterhouses!  There is also a very large amount of racehorses in those states--now there are good trainers-but there are ALOT of BAD BAD ones--they are the ones throwing them away--Bryant Gumbel on Real Sports did a show few nights back-did a good job exposing-except he did not cover the bill that is going around--you know one horse that a rescue organization saved destined to the slaughter house had won over two hundred thousand dollars(they check by the lip tatoo)-don't ya think that he deserved to live a haoppy life for that-instead they threw him away for a couple hundred bucks!  disgusting-and greedy!  I thank you again sam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I wished that more people here on blogit had a heart for this-

posted by bumpsinaroad on May 18, 2008 at 1:49 PM | link to this | reply

I am appalled. I live in the capitol and will call Crapo & Craig tomorrow. Thank you I am glad I can help!  sam

posted by sam444 on May 18, 2008 at 12:48 PM | link to this | reply

Supposedly-it is a delicatessen

posted by bumpsinaroad on May 18, 2008 at 7:01 AM | link to this | reply

Re: well,

Pel--i know there is so much wrong in the world-nfact it is scary when you think how to tackle it--to me it is scary to think that many people think it is "o.k." to kill our animals-and the bottom of the problem is the over population we have of them!  Thre are some great organizations that trap stray cats and spay and nueter them for free-bring them back to you--or find them homes for you -this really helps-these are solutions---thats what we need for our problems--but of course for our horsses we cant do that-buit we DO have solutions for the over breeding so that A-holes that use these poor animals just to make quick money and then throw them away cant--or make it very very hard for such a person to be in the business. 

Your points are very valid-and it is a long road-we are the minority it seems --thank you for you care and support! 

posted by bumpsinaroad on May 18, 2008 at 6:59 AM | link to this | reply

thank you sinome--you are right-it is horrifing!  from what i understand-we have until Septmeber to get this law through congress, or we have to start from scratch allllll over again next year--and look how long it took to end the slaughterhouses in the u.s.!  I feel like it is WE who are responsible to finish what we started--i don't understand the way humans can actually justify this by saying we are disposing our "unwanted" horses by "humanely" destroying them!!  what a bunch of insane crap!  What normal person can watch any of those undercover tapes and say it is humane--it is so disgusting and barbaric-and yes we do have a surplus of unwanted horses and this problem needs to be adressed fast!  Think right now with the economy how many people are not able to or do not want to feed their horses and are sending them to the slaughterhouses--it has gone up 300% since our slughterhouses have closed!!  and now iam sure even more with the current situation!  Yes-we are lucky to have gr8t organizations to help recuse them and we can help them -but right now we need to focus on getting this bill passed---sorry to be soo long--i thnak u again for helping!

posted by bumpsinaroad on May 18, 2008 at 6:49 AM | link to this | reply

non humans are not food, yet 99% of the world population uses them as mere means to their ends (meat, leather, fur, products tested on them, ect.) Horse are like cows or chickens, no one deserves to be exploited & killed

posted by pelagus on May 18, 2008 at 5:46 AM | link to this | reply

Thank you for your post. Wow  I am horrified at what I saw and I joined in the effort to stop it. 

posted by Sinome on May 17, 2008 at 9:25 PM | link to this | reply

Why would people eat horses? Strange!

posted by Soul_Builder101 on May 17, 2008 at 9:03 PM | link to this | reply