Comments on Life sucks

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Please don't go You are my inspiration
Lost in Life Please do not stop writing. You are my inspiration. I need your strength and courage. I'm new in blogit, computers, and writing as well really. I've devoted my life to others and can completely relate to you. Please take my hand and help me by continuing to inspire me Thank You, Your Friend Solita     

posted by ace2inspire on April 25, 2008 at 1:03 AM | link to this | reply

Hey man!

She aint worth that! Those people aren't worth that! I've been there dude. I've disappeared and lived in the woods off turkey and deer and had everyone crazy looking for me. It's not the place to go! I know how bad not feeling loved can make a person crazy, I know I know I know. Especially over a woman! I know. You are a brilliant writer and you should keep at it! Keep your stuff, stay where you are, and stay here and keep writing!

One night was my breaking point, when I was all alone and I fell to my face weaping over her and the fact that I had lost everything after the fire and there was no body here for me. I was totally alone, I had never ever felt so alone, but I cried to God and I didn't feel him, I broke even further. But I have to say, not twenty minutes after I clawed myself to my feet and stepped to the couch, an old friend called me and told me everything I needed to hear, he is married to her cousin! After that my sister called me, I hadn't heard from her in years and I broke again crying but that time it was a good thing!

I realized that I wasn't alone and that God may have actually been listening.... Stay man, keep writing this crap off your chest we are all here for you!

posted by SomeoneElse on April 24, 2008 at 9:25 PM | link to this | reply

two cents

Hi There,

emotions are like the weather, I'm tired long day,, I learned something today, I had a tudor, tootter, you know what I mean. she's is my neighbor, it went well. mind control, a simple theory, states, more or less, that thoughts are like water, always seeking the path of least resistance, and once established channels are formed, through associations, memories, ect. what have you, they become fixated, and around and around we go in a rut, stuck like Chuck. That is where imagination comes in... The subconscious doesn't know the difference between what we make up and reality, strange but true, and once we visualize something we begin a process that brings it into reality, imagine yourself a happy successful person and that is what you shall become. There are many techniques we can learn and employ, just give yourself time and don't give up the ship, as they say. I hope I have been of help.

take care, your fellow human,  Mike

posted by mfg9 on April 23, 2008 at 11:13 PM | link to this | reply

life be sure........not just for you, my friend. it surely sounds like you're suffering from clinical depression..........before you "check out"........get help........if you've been down that road already........too fucking must try again. keep writing here on blogit.........can't you tell.....this place is FULL of wannabe writers, myself included. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  Namaste

posted by ZenMom on April 23, 2008 at 5:45 PM | link to this | reply

I am going to miss you! The best of luck. Keep a journal it could become a best seller!  sam

posted by sam444 on April 23, 2008 at 2:41 PM | link to this | reply

Its tough being alive! I know! I am just emerging from 32 years of persecution. I haven't worked in 7 months and there seems no end. I am not young anymore: 55 years. Still I hang in there and plod forward for what its worth. Why don't you try applying for a job to teach ESL in some foreign country. The pay is real good. Check it out online. There are schools which do online courses and help you with placement. Your English is good. Some Employers don't care about  qualifications...they want NATIVE SPEAKERS to teach conversation! Best of luck!

posted by Soul_Builder101 on April 23, 2008 at 10:51 AM | link to this | reply