Comments on Is the death penalty the right response to the horror of child rape?

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Execute More and Often!

My 5 month old daughter was shaken by a so-called babysitter to the point that she now has cerebral palsy. Our daughter is now 10 years old and is depedent upon her Mom and myself, her Dad, for every daily bodily function. Our daughter cans say a few words but that is all. She will be in this state for the rest of her life until God gives her a new body.

Give a child molester a break? Kill the son-of -a-bitch! Most of you have no idea of how it is to have your family affected in this way. The damn worthless liberals sit back and whine and support the guilty criminal's case. The hell with them! You spend a day in my wife's and my shoes then you tell me what you think! Wake the hell up people! Not all cases of harm to children come from a fmaily member so you need to rethink the generalization theory.

One blogger throws out the fact that a post like this brings out the "mob". Of course, it does and I am certain that the blogger who wrtoe that has never had his family affected in this way. God forbid anyone would go through what my wife and I have experienced. It is easy to sit back and take the old keep'em in jail for life theory until it happens to one of your loved ones. I realize that I must somehow forgive this individual for what they have done becuase this is what the Lord teaches us to do. This is a very difficult thing to do. However, as far as the death penalty goes, the reason why some people do not think it works is because it is not used enough and more promptly. Take a walk in my shoes then repost this, pal!

Good post!

posted by RedStatesMan on April 18, 2008 at 8:32 PM | link to this | reply

This is

always such a terrible issue because it brings out the worst in people and gets the mob fired up. It's very worrying that there are attempts to expand the territory of the death penalty, when agencies such as Amnesty International have been fighting so hard to have it abolished altogether.

According to Amnesty the U.S. executed the fifth largest number of people last year - just behind Pakistan.

posted by Antipodean on April 16, 2008 at 8:22 PM | link to this | reply

A raped child is as good as dead because the world is never the same. It robs the most sacred of individual rights, having the say over one's being. All choices are taken away. When everyone is a virgin they are not and so much is placed on the virginity of a woman at marriage well you are second hand and used goods. I am not a proponent of the death penalty, but I would love to kill every one of my childhood attackers. There were nine.  sam

posted by sam444 on April 16, 2008 at 8:53 AM | link to this | reply

yes they should do the death penalty
why should the tax payers have support a beast like this. And why should that childs family have to wonder for the rest of their lives if some stupid judge or lawyer will come along and get the guy out just because he behaved, or "found GOD" while he was serving his sentence and they revoke the penalty. Things like that have happened before. Child molestation, wether they be babies, or even as old as 16 or 17 is just plain wrong and the hideous beast who performed the act of violation should receive the worst punishment possible. If they did it once, they will do it again.

posted by jesse_jean on April 16, 2008 at 8:18 AM | link to this | reply