Comments on Nancy Pelosi blocks a trade deal with America's closest South American ally

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Lost Its' Way?

The Democrat Party lost its' way after Truman. Where have you been? Geez, I do not have the space nor time to list that fiasco! NAFTA never would have worked and I have been against that forever. Do you actually think that any of the other nations in the world can live up to anything? Get a grip! Billy boy Clinton's creation of NAFTA was just one of many of his errors. He was worthless as we all know; except it has taken until 2008 until many have come to that conclusion. Oh, well, as stupid is as is stupid does.

The bottom line is that Nancy Pelosi needs to be in her kitchen baking cookies for her grandchildren. She never should have been elected in public office but then again that is California. She has been a disgrace! Why should this be a revelation? The liberal Pelosi and her idiot liberals (like Reid)  in congress are worthless. Please undertsand this or do you people out there need a building to fall upon you?  

Great post! Good luck at it making a dent in the liberal idiots in this nation.   

posted by RedStatesMan on April 11, 2008 at 11:12 PM | link to this | reply

Nor do I. Great composition!  sam

posted by sam444 on April 10, 2008 at 11:45 AM | link to this | reply