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Re: Soul_Builder101
I see the work of a super-intelligent being! Our little discoveries of the mechanisms in creation point to that. We see then we have to revise as we see more! But the intelligence is there! Even stem cell technology points to the fact that we are beginning to know! The chinese of long ago used dried placenta as part of rejuvenation therapy. Its called Tai Pan! Sparks of God share milder doses of the original! There are sciences that are not being pursued, or only in secrecy, by the ruling elites. Tesla was a genius of advanced intelligence! There is intelligence in the handiwork of creation!

posted by Soul_Builder101 on March 19, 2008 at 11:03 AM | link to this | reply

Your description fits very well into what I am saying.

The title of my blog, GOD AS THE UNIVERSE AS AN ORGANISM, I think, is very close to what you have described.

However, I do believe that all that I have described is part of the process.  We cannot, however, ascribe human intelligence to this process; it falls far short of accuracy.  The "intelligence" of the Universe is something we can never understand.

We should anthropomorphize God.

posted by Xeno-x on March 16, 2008 at 7:30 AM | link to this | reply

I do not think that the Presbyters, whose compilation formed the earliest bibles, had a clue about how creation came to be. We say somebody must have made it. How, however, is beyond us to figure out. I do not subscribe to  either biblical creation or to evolutionary theorems, including big bang. The degree of purposeful intelligence intrinsic to the 'created', cannot be achieved by randomness. There must be an ordering force which is responsible for the cause and effect we notice in the 'created'. That force we call God. I am inclined towards the Hindu explanations: that God is invisible and creation is an expansion from him, down through different levels of subtleties or dimensions. Thus, the relationships between dimensions are explained along with the material causality we observe! The Bhagavad Gita may have something on that, as well as the vedas!

posted by Soul_Builder101 on March 15, 2008 at 2:04 PM | link to this | reply

I like the conclusion. Basically it is a faith matter! sam

posted by sam444 on March 5, 2008 at 12:07 PM | link to this | reply