Comments on p2008 asked via email about afterlife in relation to the Astral,

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Thinking further on your comment, Gepruitt--
It is true that on both sides of the argument, people seem to regard the other side as shallow, deluded, even stupid.  And some are, on both sides.  But there are brilliant, shining people in both camps, as well.

posted by Ciel on January 4, 2008 at 6:39 PM | link to this | reply

Yes, yes, yes! We are indeed on the same wavelength! Glad you brought this

up!  That is another one of those notions that transcends the reality of the body--and those who are still identifying only with themselves as body have a very hard time with the idea of such a thing.  But from an astral or even higher perspective, it is perfectly reasonable.

Yet, there is the suggestion of this in the Old Testament, in the Book of Kings, I believe: go find the story of Elijah's being taken up to Heaven in the chariot of fire, and the last interaction between him and his desciple, Elisha. 

In past-life explorations, people find that they have strong connections all with the same historical individuals, which can't work, of course, if each of us is only on a single ladder of linear evolvement.  But that, again, is body-thinking.  (I am not talking about everyone being the later-life of someone renowned.  Both my cousin and I have the sense that we were my father's grandmother.  Nothing famous or infamous about her, just that we both 'see' through her eyes, in a manner of speaking.)

Neither source is definitive, but both independently in the same rather obscure direction. 




posted by Ciel on January 4, 2008 at 6:09 PM | link to this | reply

Re: ciel

Thanks for reading!


posted by Ciel on January 4, 2008 at 5:33 PM | link to this | reply

Ah, the old believers vs unbelievers business !

Thanks for your comments, Gerald, and the compliment! 

And I keep tellin ya, there are no unbelievers!  Soem people believe there is a god, some people believe there is no god.  Agnostics are the only ones who know:  They know they don't know!

posted by Ciel on January 4, 2008 at 5:33 PM | link to this | reply

Really enjoyed you spin on the afterlife.  Mine may not differ vastly although I do think the soul could be comprised of any number of energy fields and these energies might not remain as a whole.  As humans this thinking is somewhat disturbing as we would prefer to think of ourselves or our soul as a singular entity aloft within the winds or traveling, as you said, closer to the Divine. 

posted by Troosha on January 4, 2008 at 10:45 AM | link to this | reply

very enlightening. Thanks

posted by richinstore on January 3, 2008 at 11:06 PM | link to this | reply

Excellent advice to p2008! And to all others.  Your article should be evidence that many believers out there are not nearly so "shallow" as they are accused of being by those who think they know what and why each Believer believes what he/she does. Could it be that many Believers wisely keep to themselves their innermost beliefs, a thing which the less wise have extreme difficulty in doing? 

Yes, I do believe there will be many "surprized" people in "Heaven!" 



posted by GEPRUITT on January 3, 2008 at 10:18 PM | link to this | reply