Comments on Short and Sweet

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Re: Kab
Oh yes, by all means!  I am just a terrible speller, that's all.

posted by KaBooM62 on November 6, 2007 at 6:56 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Kab

Wow Nauty, cool!

Very cool situation you're in, KB!

posted by justanotherskinnybitch on November 5, 2007 at 7:43 PM | link to this | reply

Fascinating stuff! I am very much interested in language and linguistics! And you asked (rhetorically) why we have all these useless (since they're silent) letters in English. The answer is that these letters were once pronounced. They have been dropped in oral speech, but are still present as a kind of linguistic atavism in the written language. And as far as I am concerned, they must be kept...

posted by Nautikos on November 5, 2007 at 7:10 PM | link to this | reply