Comments on Jewish Apes and Christian Pigs...

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Offy hon
We are talking apes and pigs here, not black sheep...

posted by Nautikos on September 5, 2007 at 2:20 PM | link to this | reply

Re: I just don't get it. I thought religion was supposed to make us
Pat, Islam is not just a religion, it is also a political movement, and has been that from the beginning. And to be 'better' and more 'charitable' is secondary to the main goal in life: submission to Allah and the teachings of the 'prophet'... 

posted by Nautikos on September 5, 2007 at 2:19 PM | link to this | reply

Yep, I read about that. Things are going to get interesting...

posted by Nautikos on September 5, 2007 at 2:10 PM | link to this | reply

posted by Offy on September 5, 2007 at 2:08 PM | link to this | reply

I just don't get it. I thought religion was supposed to make us
better, more charitable toward others. Teaching hate and racism to children is a big fat no-no in my book. 

posted by Pat_B on September 5, 2007 at 1:31 PM | link to this | reply

I saw where they opened the Arabic Public School in NYC this's surrounded by police protection.......

posted by Corbin_Dallas on September 5, 2007 at 4:43 AM | link to this | reply

Re: I'm sure Jews and Christians have been called much worse...
Pat, yes I guess they have been called worth, though not necessarily in children's textbooks! And yes, these kids are being damaged by this teaching, but so will we be...

posted by Nautikos on September 4, 2007 at 3:58 PM | link to this | reply

Re: This is as scary as I heard that here children chant on the school bus
Kabu dear, like you, I am appalled, but no longer surprised...

posted by Nautikos on September 4, 2007 at 3:55 PM | link to this | reply

Yes, Offy hon, and it's going to get a lot worse...

posted by Nautikos on September 4, 2007 at 3:53 PM | link to this | reply

History teaches that hate begets hate...

posted by Nautikos on September 4, 2007 at 3:52 PM | link to this | reply

Re: And to think my sister-in-law got into trouble for giving a pupil
proc, a nice example of the absurdity of PC! An I thought we had that nonsense only here in North America...

posted by Nautikos on September 4, 2007 at 3:51 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Sudden and final
Lou, I strongly suspect your prayers will have no effect on the rising tide of Muslim intolerance...

posted by Nautikos on September 4, 2007 at 3:49 PM | link to this | reply

Re: I am really sorry to learn about this and I feel more sad that it is
Well, afzal, I understand that you feel sad, because you're a decent guy. But in fact, Islam does teach those things...

posted by Nautikos on September 4, 2007 at 3:47 PM | link to this | reply

Re: Well, there are a couple objectionable things
Well, bandana. maybe they could try, but they ain't! We're talking children's textbooks here!

posted by Nautikos on September 4, 2007 at 3:45 PM | link to this | reply

We both like dogs, and they're reasonably intelligent as well! Why don't we just call Muslims dogs, then?

posted by Nautikos on September 4, 2007 at 3:43 PM | link to this | reply

It's appalling...

posted by Nautikos on September 4, 2007 at 3:39 PM | link to this | reply

I'm sure Jews and Christians have been called much worse...
The idea of demonizing or putting down your enemy in propaganda is nothing new. The wearisome thing is they're selling this idea to themselves. Also nothing new. The vessel that contains acid is most damaged by it. Too bad there's so much spillover.

posted by Pat_B on September 4, 2007 at 8:13 AM | link to this | reply

This is as scary as I heard that here children chant on the school bus
"Kill a Christian a day!" I magine if other schools were teaching anti islamic slogans to other faiths. I am actually appalled by this love.

posted by Kabu on September 4, 2007 at 4:21 AM | link to this | reply

Naut...Good morning, What a shame they teach such garbage. No wonder the world is in it's present condition with that type of teaching from a young age..

posted by Offy on September 4, 2007 at 4:10 AM | link to this | reply

I don't think that sort of thing will ever cease.   We should teach our children, not to reciprocate, but to be aware. 

posted by TAPS. on September 4, 2007 at 12:43 AM | link to this | reply

And to think my sister-in-law got into trouble for giving a pupil
the words oink oink to sing in old mcdonalds farm in the classroom.  He didnt look Muslim and she didnt know....

posted by proc on September 3, 2007 at 10:26 PM | link to this | reply

Sudden and final

judgement will happen, either in this world or the next.  Ugly is not good. Thanks for championing your cause and I pray for religious tolerance.


posted by Cameraeye on September 3, 2007 at 7:47 PM | link to this | reply

I am really sorry to learn about this and I feel more sad that it is
being done under the guidance of such so-called educated people . Islam does not approve of any abusive language that could hurt any human being . Islam does not teach such things .I am really feeling so bad about this kind of hate campaign being spread in schools by a government which is supposed be a close ally of US .

posted by afzal50 on September 3, 2007 at 6:40 PM | link to this | reply

Well, there are a couple objectionable things
mentioned in the bible, too (not necessarily involve animals, though.) But I guess the difference is that most churches are wise enough to stay away from controversial, questionable passages, and really only focus on the good messages. Maybe Muslims can try to do that, too... Maybe.

posted by bandanafish on September 3, 2007 at 6:33 PM | link to this | reply

I've read this before  - maybe it's really a compliment  - Apes are actually fairly intelligent - and pigs are supposedly as smart (if not smarter) than dolphins - not a joke -  a serious scientific study...

posted by Enigmatic68 on September 3, 2007 at 5:41 PM | link to this | reply

I agree with you. I have seen people who have come out of the Muslim religion talking about this as being part of the teaching to children. I saw a five year old little girl interviewed on t.v. about hate and apes and pigs. She was very versed in the teaching.

posted by Justi on September 3, 2007 at 4:56 PM | link to this | reply