Comments on The Pray With Bunny Spiritual Center

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I like the Atheist's meditation room - could we have it inflatable, like the church I found last night?

posted by markd on September 30, 2003 at 11:38 PM | link to this | reply

The sweat lodge at in the BFOC....

... along with a kiva. (See the last line.) Atheists would go to the multi-purpose prayer and meditation rooms in the PBSC. (They don't have to burn anything.)

posted by Bunny on September 30, 2003 at 10:03 PM | link to this | reply

And let's not forget . . . .
A Sweat Lodge for the Native Americans.  And a meditation room for Atheists.

posted by archiew on September 30, 2003 at 5:06 PM | link to this | reply

From Bunny

If the PBSC is successful, we will expand to include the Bunny Friend Outreach Center, which will contain indoor and outdoor areas of various shapes, sizes and usage rules to accomodate a wider variety of traditional rituals and services.

There could be a wide, narrow building for Muslims (which could be rearranged into a long, narrow building for Protestant Christians and Reform Jews.) There could be a plus-shaped chapel in which incense could be burned that could be shared by Wiccans, Santerians and Catholics, if the Catholics can deal with that kind of sharing! If not, they'll have to make do with the long, narrow building. Of course, there would be an outside Circle area for Wiccans and Wiccan-esque Pagans. There would be a sweat lodge and a kiva that could cover rituals from some of the Native Americans.

posted by Bunny on September 30, 2003 at 11:44 AM | link to this | reply

I generally like your idea, Bunny

As a Solitary Witch myself, I lke the Earth-friendly atmosphere, and the use of outdoor spaces.  I also like that it will be available to all.

I would ask, though, that there be areas where incense and such can be used, since scent is important to many Pagan rituals, and, as we all know, Native Americans do use tobacco in many of their rituals, as do Pagans, including myself.

Your description made me wish there were some sort of similar center in my vicinity, but one can dream.

posted by archiew on September 30, 2003 at 10:32 AM | link to this | reply