Comments on Special Offer!

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Spechal few, yes!
Of course, and my speling is as good as any other evangelical shill who is tryinjg to get the hard-earned money of the masses. 

posted by archiew on September 30, 2003 at 6:27 AM | link to this | reply

You Are Joking, Right?
"Those nether regions" are between your legs - why would I want to hear more about them? And the "netherland" is, I take it, Holland? Nice place. Lots of cannabis and lovely Dutch girls.

Meanwhile - spiorit? stuanch? uis? denizons? WTF??

This bit particularly tickled me...

"They wish only to serve us, but must relate their information through the minds and mouths of only a special few who are astute enough, brave enough to navigate the disconcerting roads and fallows of the ultra-dimensional regions."

And presumably you ARE one of the special few, right? The classic command-and-control, information-is-power model that's been used over and over down the centuries.

If I may be so bold - the first $100 that comes in, invest in a spoll-chekker. Then you might gain a bit of credibility.


posted by DamonLeigh on September 30, 2003 at 6:21 AM | link to this | reply