Comments on Stuff and stuff

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My rule about that is I pass on what I have read (ficiton).  The rest I gove away at the end of the year, unless its something I use, as reference in my profession.  Now, with most things available on the net, I tend to give most things away.

posted by Greenfields on December 23, 2006 at 7:29 PM | link to this | reply

I enjoy creating space by getting rid of what I don't need, a kind of minimalist inclination I suppose, though I do tend to accumulate books still.


posted by robdon67 on December 23, 2006 at 1:41 PM | link to this | reply

Yes I do have those issues
i am just going through it all

posted by Azur on December 23, 2006 at 5:16 AM | link to this | reply