Comments on "Vowed to die for God's sake,"

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Cooperation and non-partisan politicking? Is that possible? What will

they do with all that mud? 

And the Iraq situation can become a political non-issue.  Get our troops out in a timely manner.  There is no winnable military solution involving American troops in Iraq.  Part of the problem is that momentum is favoring a solution where three autonomous political units emerge from all this, something the Bush administration has been fighting.  Let the country break-up; it has never been a true nation anyway, cobbled together as it was by the British in a post WWI world.  Regardless, let them do it.  Our troops can observe from Afghanistan or via satellite right here in the U.S.

posted by saul_relative on November 12, 2006 at 1:11 PM | link to this | reply

But everyone knows.......
Christains in America are a much gretter threat to our freedoms!

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 11, 2006 at 4:41 AM | link to this | reply