Comments on The plan my brother used and of which I'm on day 3

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Being Fit
I love being fit. I was always a runner - then I hit forty and decided that if I'm going to preserve my knees, I needed to mix things up. I hired a personal trainer to help show me the ropes(this is California after all!)and he's taught me all sorts of fun things to do to keep the weight off and my body feeling toned. I do sprint running with my dogs, I bought one of those Bosu things which I do push-ups on - you turn it over, and it's great for balance. Sometimes I just jump to the center and back for 25 or 30 times. it doesn't sound like much, but man, it gets your blood flowing. If you've got a medicine ball or a weight, you can stand on the center of the Bosu, medicine ball or weight in hand and you can do wood chops where you balance on the Bosu and bend down first to the left, then to the right. Matthew Mc Caunahey swears by these and if you've seen his hot body lately, clearly they work! I take my dogs to a kids park nearby and am trying to do pull-ups. I'm good at the reverse ones where you start with your body above the pole and SLOWLY lower your body down. You do need a bench or a chair for these, though, to get you back up to the pole to start again. My upper arms are stronger than they've ever been - almost as good as Madonna's! I could go on and on, I guess I really have seen how amazing your body becomes when you look for exercise moments - wherever you may be - even pumping gas! Teach your son - it sounds like he's young - he'll have a blast doing fun things with you. You looked great in your profile - so it sounds like it's just trying to fit it all in. Oh, if we could all get that extra hour a day! Good luck to your wife, too. I took a few Pilates classes and it really taught my about breathing and engaging my core. You can do it just sitting at the computer or driving in your car, using the back of the seat to press against. Stay strong. My friend, the trainer has a new DVD out called Surf Stronger. Even if you're land-bound, it's a fun, great workout...

posted by WordActress on November 14, 2006 at 1:20 PM | link to this | reply

TV, it is like that. You can eat anything you want.

That means that you are free not to eat wheat and sugar.  I have broken my points down to five meals and every one of them has protein in it and for some of them, that's all they have. 

Just because you can eat anything you want doesn't mean you should.  =)

I guess you can eat cake on this plan but that wouldn't be helping me to my other fitness goals.  I don't believe the saying, "A calorie is a calorie."  I stick with protein and fresh vegetables.

posted by SuccessWarrior on November 5, 2006 at 9:01 AM | link to this | reply

I just assumed...
and I know what they say about assuming, but I assumed it was like Weight Watchers in that they don't differentiate between refined foods and healthier foods.  As long as you come in under your point limit, they don't care what you eat. 

Basically I've found that if I can eliminate sugar and wheat, I just naturally begin to lose weight.  The tricky thing is getting me to the point where I can stick with that.

posted by TVBlogger on November 5, 2006 at 8:53 AM | link to this | reply

Lady, I'm going to go by how I feel.
I don't think I need to ease into exercising since I was exercising before changing how I eat and it's not a huge change in eating.  If I feel like I'm dragging though, I'll add a little bit of food to fix it.

posted by SuccessWarrior on November 5, 2006 at 8:28 AM | link to this | reply

And thanks for the Gold Star. I kept on task .

posted by SuccessWarrior on November 5, 2006 at 8:27 AM | link to this | reply

that's true
the more you exercise the more you should eat.  my doctor told me to slowly get into the exercise before i dropped the baby weight.  whatever works i guess

posted by ladychardonnay on November 5, 2006 at 8:26 AM | link to this | reply

I don't see why it wouldn't work for you
I don't eat sugar or wheat.  Not that I can think of in my normal day.  I eat a lot of eggs because of their simplicity and I have started having salads for dinner with some kind of protein with them.

posted by SuccessWarrior on November 5, 2006 at 8:26 AM | link to this | reply

You get a gold star
for not being distracted from your purpose!  My friend loves the Weight Watchers plan and the freedom it gives her to eat the things she loves.   I've tried that but found that sugar and wheat are important for me to leave out of my diet so can't do those kinds of plans.  I'm bummed your plan won't be for me.  But, last night I was reading Time magazine and found out there are a couple new anti-sugar/wheat books out and I might pick one up.  Often all I need is to be reminded why this stuff is important for me to follow and then I can stick with it. 

posted by TVBlogger on November 5, 2006 at 8:22 AM | link to this | reply