Comments on Kofi Annon Should Apologize to Israel........

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democracy & UN
I agree that the UN is worthless.  As for supporting democracy that upholds the right to elect people that wish to murder and commit genocide, I think we are much better off not giving them resources and we can have it both ways.  Every choice has consequences, the problem here is the avoidance of just consequences.

posted by LeRoyCoyote on July 27, 2006 at 1:12 PM | link to this | reply

the U.N. is the most useless organization in the world, much like the...
League of Nations was in its day...I won't tell you what U.N. stands for in my books....

posted by Rumor on July 27, 2006 at 10:25 AM | link to this | reply

What no bubbles???

posted by Corbin_Dallas on July 27, 2006 at 6:46 AM | link to this | reply

You Appear... have forgotten that Hezbollah have seats on the Lebanese parliament - as Hamas do in the Palestinian parliament.

So get your story straight - do you want to spread democracy in the Middle East, and run the risk that the people will vote in a party you don't like? Or do you just want to retain control over every country in the Middle East and, if they vote out of line, simply starve them with economic sanctions, or bomb them, or get a compliant israel to bomb them for you, with bombs provided by the US?

Because you can't have it both ways.

Another element you seem to have  missed is that Hezbollah were a dying force in Lebanon, and people were getting tired of their rhetoric, especially since their original raison d'etre - the Israeli occupation of Lebanon - had long since gone. Now, predictably, they're popular again, being seen as resisting the terrorist acts being carried out hourly by Israel.

If Israel/US were looking to finish them off, these past two weeks have suddenly made them much, much stronger. And if hezbollah rattled the Israel/US cage deliberately to regain some popularity, then Israel/US have played straight into their hands.

Either way, it's clearly brilliant policy on the part of Israel/US - NOT!!!!


posted by DamonLeigh on July 27, 2006 at 6:31 AM | link to this | reply


I saw some of this on the net and tube. Kofi should be removed from his position. Actually the UN and he are both worthless and do not have American interests, or any peace loving countries interest at heart!

Both are totally worthless!

posted by Offy on July 27, 2006 at 6:21 AM | link to this | reply