Comments on Missing In Action

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They are and will remain a puppet regime as long as coalition forces

remain to pull their newly elected asses out of the fire.  We are currently sitting in the middle of an internecine religious war that will no doubt get larger.  The Iran-Iraq War was just such a religious struggle.  It wasn't about nations; it was about religious ideologies. 

And the argument that dictators and tyrants should be removed is naive at best; you can't go around the world deposing dictators, demagogues, and tyrants.  There are far too many.  Besides, we put Hussein in power; we allowed him to consolidate his power base; we did nothing when he committed genocide on the Kurds; we retook Kuwait, invaded Iraq and left Hussein in charge in 1991; twelve years later, we decide he's a threat to the region.  During the entire time he was Iraq's leader, he was a despot.  So, why is it justifiable now to depose him as opposed to say, right after he killed thousands of Kurds or destabilized the region in 1990 by invading Kuwait? 

Maybe because it was a bad idea.  Then and now.  And maybe too many people are beginning to realize it, including the insurgents, the rebels, the terrorists, the separatists, the Baathists, the sectarians, and anyone not toeing the general GOP party line. 

posted by saul_relative on June 18, 2006 at 9:36 PM | link to this | reply

If it were a "puppet regieme," then it would be muchg smoother. 

We have made mistakes; show me an endeavor without mistakes, but were we to allow Housein the option to continue killing people?  He still is the master of death in Iraq.  As we take out each of the people foisting violence on their own people, we make the region safer. 

Too many protesters have their heads in the sand and are not aware of the dangers of allowing dictators free reign.  WMD was a mistake to use as an excuse to attack.  Demolishing Saddam is the real reason and remains an excellent reason.  His cronies are fighting hard to regain power and we will not, and cannot, allow that to happen.

posted by archiew on June 18, 2006 at 10:29 AM | link to this | reply

Quite aware, archiew. It still doesn't justify our presence there.
Regardless, the ages old internecine conflict between Sunnis and Shias will never end, much the same as the ages old conflict between Muslims and Jews.  There's always a faction ready to start an altercation.  Setting up a puppet regime in Iraq only solidifies the anti-American base in the region.  This is imperialism at its corporate best.

posted by saul_relative on June 18, 2006 at 8:03 AM | link to this | reply

things take time; it has only been two weeks; let it sink in.  We are making progress.  Are you aware of how drastically the lives of most Iraqis have changed for the better, particularly women?

posted by archiew on June 18, 2006 at 7:06 AM | link to this | reply

I know this war has to be hell on you, bel. Hopefully, we'll see the end
of it in the next year or so...

posted by saul_relative on June 17, 2006 at 5:57 PM | link to this | reply

We Can Always Hope....

posted by bel_1965 on June 17, 2006 at 5:51 PM | link to this | reply