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You got my point better than you think
Horus, that's precisely why I posted these further comments. Child abuse laws, and vaccination laws as well, are written precisely in order to encourage parents to do the right thing by their children. Because vaccinations (like all other medical things) have side effects, and because some religious groups will never be entirely convinced of their efficacy despite the facts, there is no way every child is going to get vaccinated. No way is every child going to get proper medical care, either, for this same group of reasons. But the fact remains that insulin works as a treatment for the vast majority of juvenile diabetics (used to be virtually all, which is why type I diabetes used to be called juvenile diabetes, but so many kids have been coming down with type II that they had to revise the terminology). Same thing with vaccinations - they work so well at preventing disease that they are mandatory in all states for children about to enter kindergarten. It is also true of so many other medical things that despite the dangerous Big Brother aspects of child abuse laws, we must remember that lives are at stake if medical neglect and medically-related abuse isn't caught in time to spare the health of the abused youngster.

posted by kidnykid on August 27, 2003 at 2:18 AM | link to this | reply

I know it is not easy to be different and part of a community at the same time, but I think your advice is practically wise; check with the official science/medecine if your child has gor some health problem. Your child needs to have all the chances you can offer him/her.

posted by Luxbring on August 26, 2003 at 8:53 PM | link to this | reply