Comments on For Those wishing to Copulate With Rush Limbaugh.............

Go to If I get smart with will you know?Add a commentGo to For Those wishing to Copulate With Rush Limbaugh.............

You say, "violence is no solution to violence." Were that a truism and therefore the U.S. would not have fought and defeated the Nazi in WWII, you would be a lampshade.

posted by Tiel on November 24, 2005 at 12:03 PM | link to this | reply


i ask what others have asked,
how can a person taking his own life for a cause he believes in be a coward? that's the ultimate act of courage or so I think.

HERO: A person noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose, especially one who has risked or sacrificed his or her life

Let me get this, the human excrement that flew those planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were.......HEROES???

The terrorists the killed all of the hundreds of children in Russia and died in the process.....they are heroes??

Based on your premise......Timothy McVey was a hero?  He ultimately gave his live for what he believed he's a hero?

I get it....the people that were killed by these "heroes" were justifiably expendable....because they were  the tools by which these people could "actively" express those beliefs?

You are one sick puppy....


posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 24, 2005 at 7:51 AM | link to this | reply


I have to agree with you on that one.  The war on terrorism is a war we cannot win, a battle that will have no winners.  Terrorists commit acts of terror to get people to change their way of life.  Is that not what they are doing to us?

Terrorist commit terror to get us to change our lives?  Uhhh, so did Hitler, Stalin, Tojo and any other sociopath that get  control of a great deal of power.

Do you honestly believe that if we were to pull everyone out today....or better yet,.......if we had never gone into Iraq, things would be all hunky-dory.  Do you honestly think that there would have been no additional attacks?

We took Afghanistan away from them...whether we went into Iraq or not is irrelevant.....

Let's go one step further....say we also never went into Afghanistan.....we do like Clinton did and shoot a few dozen Cruise missiles at them...but no invading.   Do you then think that there would have been no further attacks on our interests and people?  That we would not have to be changing the way we live?


That's what changed the way we lived, dammit!   The changes were forced on a group of animals, bent on destroying our way of life......and I for one am damned glad that it was when we had a president who had a set of ca hones on him, and more importantly, a set of convictions about what the right thing to do was......damn the polls, damn the wishy washy Liberals who would rather live in chains, than die for freedom, and damn the world opinion.

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 24, 2005 at 7:24 AM | link to this | reply

we aren't talking individuals
al zarqawi or osama bin laden
we are talking about countries, peoples, cultures, etc.
in other words, the rest of the world.
violence is no solution to violence.
yet our own administration's attitude toward this issue defeats the purpose stated so many times by the President and others -- to promote democracy.
we treat the rest of the world in the correct manner and those who advocate violence -- their actions eventually will be disowned by those whom they purport to represent.
we can then deal with them.
actually Chamberlain had the right idea -- only he did not guage well the nature of his opponent.

and about these being cowardly acts -- I remember Pres Clinton describing the suicide bombing of the ship as such.
and i ask what others have asked,
how can a person taking his own life for a cause he bleieves in be a coward? that's the ultimate act of courage or so I think.

posted by Xeno-x on November 24, 2005 at 7:14 AM | link to this | reply


they are also trying to give us a wake-up call.
we have dealt wrongly with the rest of the world for too long.
we need to be helping them

Look at what you are writing.........

Are you a descendant of Neville Chamberlain?

We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analysing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will.
Neville Chamberlain

Helping who?  Zarqawi?  Bin Laden?  Are you crazy?  These people know no form of compromise. That is a sign of weakness to them.  

You and others here propose that those of us that support this fight against terror should go over and join the fight.

Perhaps it is you who should go over there and reason with him him the way to have a better life and understanding of us infidels.

I'll be watching for your beheading video on  Al Jazeera.

posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 24, 2005 at 7:05 AM | link to this | reply


This place isn't about winnng or losing..........victory or surrender.  It's a place to have fun expressing your opinions and bantering with others over theirs. 

You're alright in my book...........just a bit confused.  

I hope you have a very good Thanksgiving  surrounded by your family, especially that granddaughter you speak so well of........

God Bless you and your family.


posted by Corbin_Dallas on November 24, 2005 at 6:40 AM | link to this | reply

"they are also trying to give us a wakeup call."  A single quote from a long comment below.  The mind boggles to speculate that some actually believe this to be a motive behind the brutal and cowardly acts  of violence.  I admire how you keep your focus and your cool, Corbin.

posted by Tiel on November 23, 2005 at 6:59 PM | link to this | reply

yes it is SirBryan
we in this country need to heed what is going on.
they are also trying to give us a wakeup call.
we have dealt wrongly with the rest of the wrold for too long.
we need to be helping them
we need to eschew the record profits of large corporatoins as the expense of ordinary people here and abroad.
as long as we continue on our course, the U.S. will breed terrorist and enemies and oppositoin by its very policies.
We have thumbed our noses and insulted the rest of the world so many times.
We decide that we should be a "good citizen" of the world and we will begin to live in peace with the world.

posted by Xeno-x on November 23, 2005 at 12:52 PM | link to this | reply

I have to agree with you on that one.  The war on terrorism is a war we cannot win, a battle that will have no winners.  Terrorists commit acts of terror to get people to change their way of life.  Is that not what they are doing to us?

posted by SirBryantheLion on November 23, 2005 at 12:45 PM | link to this | reply

so justsouno
treason is disagreeing with the gtovernment?
you support the "divine right of GW Bush"?
there are many who do, you know.
in the U.S., your way of thinking was supposed to ended with our getting out from under King George.
it has thrived in other parts of the world since then though. Nazi Germany and Communist USSR come to mind off the top of my head.
re this post: no blitzkrieg -- surprise attack by liberals. true liberals have known all about this for a long time.
it's just the pansies of the Democratic leadership that have not.
Rush is notorious for not stating all the facts in a situation -- in fact, he notorious for bending and warping iniformatoin as he pleases to support his "point of view":, which, by the way, if you've read anything about his life, is most certainly a prevarication.
the diea here is to face reality: that we entered this war under false pretenses, that this war was unecessary to solve the problems in Iraq -- probably wouldn't have been long before Saddam aged out of office and his sons would not be able to maintain a government and the officers and others in Iraq would have worked (a hell of a lot more easily and peacefully than the present situation) toward that ideal our government states as the goal there, that this war is becoming a rallying point for the Arab/moslem world, and that contiuing to "stay the course" will cause more devastation to our country than a reasoned withdrawal.
you refuse to note that remaining on the present course could cause a defeat for us greater than any that could be caused in warfare. We could put ourselves in a position to be unable to protect our interests at all around the world.
thre is no victory here.

posted by Xeno-x on November 23, 2005 at 12:40 PM | link to this | reply

I surrender, you win.............have a Happy Thanksgiving

posted by scoop on November 23, 2005 at 6:06 AM | link to this | reply

It is always a mistake to proof read the finished copy (in print) LOL. The last sentence sounds accusatory to you, not so, just wrong word should be they, not you. Sorry!

posted by Justi on November 23, 2005 at 3:47 AM | link to this | reply

I do believe the furtherest thing from my mind in all of my life was to copulate with Rush Limbaugh. However this is a good, very good post. People are so divisive, ugly and rude about the conservatives. It is not us they hate. It is God they fear not in the way he demands fear. If they were not afraid to be a Christian you would not be afraid to accept truth.

posted by Justi on November 23, 2005 at 12:37 AM | link to this | reply

If for one minute I thought you had the intelligence of your blabber in all cases I would tell you IN A DEMOCRACY YOU HAVE NOT RIGHT TO TREASON! Yes my son and my step son volunteered, while you stayed home and ran a tongue out of a empty head. Go soak your empty coconut head before it becomes so dry from emptiness it cracks and falls apart. Then again maybe you should go on as you are, let it smash!

posted by Justi on November 23, 2005 at 12:33 AM | link to this | reply

Since the US has an all volunteer army ...
I suppose you right-wing blogheads will be down at the recruiting station first thing in the morning to sign up, right? Just as I thought. Chicken Hawks! This argument is just as absurd as your post. We live in a democracy, we get to voice our opinion whether you like it or not.

Our goal is not to be like them. Have you forgotten that?

posted by fwmystic on November 22, 2005 at 8:32 PM | link to this | reply

wait a minute...

Rush did accomplish something.  He confused the hell out of me! 

That is probably exactly what they are doing.  Do you know, with digital editing equipment (which is relatively cheap and accessible to many now), how easy it is to manufacture news clips such as the "hypothetical" one Rush is discussing here?  Well, not easy, just real tedious.  They are probably already beaming one of Zarqawi's followers into the sky as a hologram saying that stuff.

posted by Trevor_Cunnington on November 22, 2005 at 8:23 PM | link to this | reply

Corbin Dallas
 Flag 2 I agree.. Flightpath was just saying that she watched Mayor Kouch defend the president tonight and the war in Iraq. I do wish that people would understand the harm that is being done by their unkind words towards our President and his efforts to ' Stay the course'. 

posted by BrightIrish on November 22, 2005 at 8:18 PM | link to this | reply

...all this, as terrorists enjoy our own countrymen dividing and disrupting our country.  

posted by reasons on November 22, 2005 at 8:16 PM | link to this | reply